I am just so sick and tired of trying and failing.
I don't know why the hell I didn't stick with something practical like Math.
I didn't get into Godot
nor did I get into I love you, you're perfect, now change.
And to top it all off my whole semester in London that I was rambling on about all excitedly in my last blog might not even happen because one of my professors probably thinks I am nothing and that I will barely graduate on time as it is let alone if i spend a semester abroad..
And you want the God honest truth?
I hate Point Loma.
I hate it.
I keep thinking "it'll get better. you'll fit in more. you're getting the hang of things. people will give you a chance." blah blah blah.
I spend 35 grand a year to feel like crap. All the time.. one big crap fest.
I am angry, hurt, and depressed.
Angry more then anything else. Just angry.
I was so excited to start this semester. So so excited.
And it took exactly one week to make me wish I had never came back.
I can write all the positive uplifting blogs that I want, pretending I am hunky-dory. But what's the point anymore? I am done pretending. I am just done.
I'm so sorry...
I feel like you're one of those people that has some many interests that you're trying to find what you're good at...and it may take some time.
And on a side note...
If you hate PLNU, I think you should go to another SD school with me!
That's what you get for stealing shrimppppp. Jk.
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