Song of the Day: Billionaire- Glee edition. SO GOOD. The new guy Sam sings it and I kind of love his voice. And I don't even like the song originally, so good job Sam (it's his character name.. not his real name btw).
Today was great. I had only on class and then I got to take two naps, go to Hyde park to see the Peter Pan statue, and then visit Tesco for snacks! And it may sound boring.. but it wasn't.. because a) naps are the best thing ever and b) when we went to Hyde park to see the Peter Pan statue it was after sundown and so we had to hop the fence!!! I felt extremely rebellious. Oh and I completely forgot.. we carted our huge heavy suitcases across London today to our new place of residence, the Highbury Center. Which brings me to another point.. supposedly it was the first day of Autumn. False. It is still summer, and will remain so until I have to wear a sweater outside in order to remain warm. I could have walked around in a swimsuit today and have been completely comfortable. So the point is, it was not fun trudging along with our heavy suitcases under the hot sun. not fun at all, but we did it! so yay.
And now tomorrow I am off to go on our romp around England!!! I do not know if I will have internet connection ever, hence the title. I will try to make daily notes on my computer so when I do get the wi-fi connection at some random coffee shop (hopefully) I will be able to update blog with interesting tid bits of my days. But just in case that doesnt happen here is our itinerary: Stratford-upon-avon, Liverpool, Chester, Bath. We stay at bed and breakfasts alot. But currently I don't know how the rooming situations are going to be.. so I'm a tad apprehensive, but I'm sure it ll all work out for the best. and if not you will hear all about it when I have internet. Okay, well I am off to finish packing my little suit case and then climb into bed. Also, today has been filled with talking to some of the best people, both friends and family, back home so I am in really high spirits and hopefully will remain so throughout this journey... because heaven knows I've been in a sour mood for the past week now and I'm really over it. So Until Next Time!!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 51: Glee
that's it for today. nice chatting.
Until next Time.
that's it for today. nice chatting.
Until next Time.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day 50: Poop
This is so not a real blog post.. because I have no time to write a real one. It is literally 20 minutes until 4 am. So yes.. not exactly in the mood to write a blog. I finished my paper though and then compiled this thing for my Shakespeare class that ended up taking over an hour because two groups of people ended up doing the synopsis/analysis on the same play.. and because I was in one of those groups I had to do double the research because I couldn't remember if I did the wrong assignment or the other girl did. Knowing me.. It was all my little fault. good job aye? I could just vent in this blog post, go on about how I had an awesome time in Scotland at the expense of my sanity because of course I didn't do any homework while I was there.. I didn't even have time to do homework if I had wanted to anyways. And today I wasted over 3 hours of my life sitting in an Art class that I signed up for that I don't even have to take. So I'm going to talk to ronda and hopefully convince her to let me drop it, because I just can't handle all this. I mean.. well I could handle it.. but it would be so much easier and ultimately more rewarding if I'm not stressing out to the point of death. Anyway, I'm off to bed.. and I still have not been able to upload pictures.. but I'm getting closer.. so tomorrow is a definite maybe. haha. Because let's face it.. I say one thing.. and then another thing happens. meh. PS on the bright side I'm going to Ireland in October. yay for cheap flights and patience!!
Until next Time.
Until next Time.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day 49: Home Sweet London
Song of the Day has been replaced (just momentarily) by TV show of the Day: Nikita! (the exclamation point is optional). Now I could rave about Vampire Diaries but you all already know how much I love that show.. so instead I am going to discuss this new show that I may or may not have already mentioned.. but im leaning more towards the may not. But the first thing I want to mention is that Shane West is in this tv show. yeah.. remember him?? Cutie from A Walk to Remember and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen??? Where did he go?? I don't really care, I'm just glad he is back!!! So it's this shooting espionage type tv show with a secret government funded agency that's gone rogue and one of it's operatives escaped and is now hell bent on destroying them. It has a semi-Dollhouse feel.. but I can't really explain why. It's a really good show.. and my summary totally doesn't give it justice. It's on the CW and you should give it a try. :D
Now on to the more important stuff... I just got back from SCOTLAND!!! It was so freaking chilly!!! and by chilly I mean down right freezing. It felt kind of how I expected London to feel, but alas London still thinks its summer. Frustrating. But anyway, Scotland. The Hostel we stayed in was literally right next to Edinburgh Castle and was very very nice for how cheap it was. We (and when I say we I usually mean the normal four- aimelle, jess, jill, and i. sometimes including others) went on a free tour of Edinburgh, which was very nice and historically informative. Alot of good pictures came out of that tour. Then the next day we went to this Illusion and Camera Obscura place that was filled with Illusions and a Camera Obscura.. go figure. Loads of pictures there too!! And then the rest of the time was spent wondering, shopping, tea drinking, and eating. All of which my facebook pictures will prove tomorrow when I post all of them. I was going to do that today.. but let's face it.. I got sidetracked by tv shows and my bed. Oh and I forgot to mention.. I ate breakfast at the Elephant House which is where JK Rowling began Harry Potter on a napkin!!! How cool is that??? I didn't get any sudden inspirations to start writing.. so I'm pretty sure the place wasn't magical, but it was really neat to visit just the same. And this next detail may seem trivial, but to me it was kind of amazing. That night.. I french braided my hair!!! for the first time ever!!!!!! All be it.. it wasn't very pretty.. but I did it! and when I woke up the next morning it was wavy! so it did the trick. I was very happy to say the least.
Well now I'm back to reality.. with homework and laundry (though I only did the latter today.. bahahaha). And then on Wednesday we visit Highbury center which is where we are going to live once we get back from our ten day tour of London that begins on Thursday!!!! YAY. Whose excited for a gigantic batch of more pictures??? You are!!! Until Next Time. :D
Now on to the more important stuff... I just got back from SCOTLAND!!! It was so freaking chilly!!! and by chilly I mean down right freezing. It felt kind of how I expected London to feel, but alas London still thinks its summer. Frustrating. But anyway, Scotland. The Hostel we stayed in was literally right next to Edinburgh Castle and was very very nice for how cheap it was. We (and when I say we I usually mean the normal four- aimelle, jess, jill, and i. sometimes including others) went on a free tour of Edinburgh, which was very nice and historically informative. Alot of good pictures came out of that tour. Then the next day we went to this Illusion and Camera Obscura place that was filled with Illusions and a Camera Obscura.. go figure. Loads of pictures there too!! And then the rest of the time was spent wondering, shopping, tea drinking, and eating. All of which my facebook pictures will prove tomorrow when I post all of them. I was going to do that today.. but let's face it.. I got sidetracked by tv shows and my bed. Oh and I forgot to mention.. I ate breakfast at the Elephant House which is where JK Rowling began Harry Potter on a napkin!!! How cool is that??? I didn't get any sudden inspirations to start writing.. so I'm pretty sure the place wasn't magical, but it was really neat to visit just the same. And this next detail may seem trivial, but to me it was kind of amazing. That night.. I french braided my hair!!! for the first time ever!!!!!! All be it.. it wasn't very pretty.. but I did it! and when I woke up the next morning it was wavy! so it did the trick. I was very happy to say the least.
Well now I'm back to reality.. with homework and laundry (though I only did the latter today.. bahahaha). And then on Wednesday we visit Highbury center which is where we are going to live once we get back from our ten day tour of London that begins on Thursday!!!! YAY. Whose excited for a gigantic batch of more pictures??? You are!!! Until Next Time. :D
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 46 & 47 & 48: SCOTLAND
Well as the title implies I am going to Scotland!! And I will have absolutely no internet contact for the next two and a half days, hence the mixed day blog!!! So today I only had one class.. it was wonderful!!! WONDERFUL!!!! not the class but the fact I didn't have any other classes!!! And so in literally two hours I will be in line for the bus to go to Scotland. Ahhhh! A ten hour bus ride!!! whose excited??? I AM!!! haha. I'm bringing playing cards and ipod and journal and my Odd Couple script that I have to highlight and start memorizing. So I have loads to do not to mention I can sleep most of the way!!! I will take lots and lots of pictures and upload them on facebook with a couple of them on here the moment I get back. Well maybe not the moment because I'll have to scadoodle on over to church.. but after that. Wish me luck on all this because it will be the first time staying in a Hostel. Whose glad she never watched the movie Hostel?? MEEEEEE!!!! Stupid horror movies. I despise them all. Well, I would love to stay and babble on.. but I must finish getting ready!!! AHHHHH. So until Next time!! :D Love you allllll.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 45: Frustrating Frustrations.
No song. I am frustrated with online airport checking poop. I was trying to buy a flight to and from Ireland but they had all these hidden fees.. and what i thought was going to be only 30 pounds ended up coming out to 45... and that comes out to 75 dollars.. and thats not even including my lodging.. or the transportation itll take to get to the dumb airport in the first place. So it's safe to say I ended up saying screw it.. and I'll look more into it tomorrow.. maybe find a different website. But if I dont go to Ireland then at least I can use that money to buy some cute barrette in France or cool skirt in Scotland. I don't know.. I mean I really want to go.. but at the same time it seems so ridiculous for all of a two day stay. Meh. I whine. But if you have any suggestions or ideas.. feel free to let me know because I am all ears.. as per my usual. And all of this got me in a tizzy.. and so now I'm in a grumpy mood.. which is what I was trying so hard to steer clear of today. hmph. Well tomorrow I'm leaving for Scotland.. so I can see how that goes. Hopefully it will be fun and not too stressful. But back to Ireland.. WHAT SHOULD I DO??? I mean.. is ten pounds more really that big of a deal?? I did say it was the one place I really wanted to go.. and that way I could say I've been to all the British Isles... I think I will still go.. but I just got so frustrated over it.
Well, on a brighter note I saw Henry IV part I at the Globe. Now I know that Henry IV part I doesnt sound like the most interesting of plays, but in all actuality I think it had been my favorite so far in the Globe. It was just so good. The acting was beyond phenomenal and I was laughing so hard for a good third of it. The rest was interesting.. or full of action. I definitely loved it on every level. Which is surprising because when I read it for class I was rather bored out of my mind.. so I wasn't expecting much.. and yet I got this wickedly amazing show. It made me happy.
Well the weather is cooling down here.. so most likely I'll be getting sick soon. But for tonight i shall take a small dose of my coughing medicine to hopefully help soothe my throat and keep me healthy. Which.. all be it.. staying up at all hours of the night is definitely not helping. But technically it isn't all my fault because my mom was on Skype and we kind of talked for an hour.. or two. And I think that is more important than my dumb health. haha. Well I'm off then.. Until Next Time.
Well, on a brighter note I saw Henry IV part I at the Globe. Now I know that Henry IV part I doesnt sound like the most interesting of plays, but in all actuality I think it had been my favorite so far in the Globe. It was just so good. The acting was beyond phenomenal and I was laughing so hard for a good third of it. The rest was interesting.. or full of action. I definitely loved it on every level. Which is surprising because when I read it for class I was rather bored out of my mind.. so I wasn't expecting much.. and yet I got this wickedly amazing show. It made me happy.
Well the weather is cooling down here.. so most likely I'll be getting sick soon. But for tonight i shall take a small dose of my coughing medicine to hopefully help soothe my throat and keep me healthy. Which.. all be it.. staying up at all hours of the night is definitely not helping. But technically it isn't all my fault because my mom was on Skype and we kind of talked for an hour.. or two. And I think that is more important than my dumb health. haha. Well I'm off then.. Until Next Time.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 44: Gotta Love Green Theatre
Song of the Day: Renegade covered by Kris Allen and Danny Gokey. I just wanna dance. ;)
I just got back from a play... we left at 615... it is now 11:45. I was out for 5 and a half hours all for one show. The show itself was 3 and a half hours long. It was titled: Earthquakes in London. Very interesting play, in literally every aspect. The acting was the only thing that wasn't interesting.. it was bloody perfect. And now I'm expected to write a analysis on it.. not that I don't have loads to say, but I have absolutely no idea how to organize my thoughts onto paper. I guess it'll come to me eventually... it's not due until tuesday anyhow.
The rest of my day was filled with class. And in class I was a part of a presentation where I mimicked Judy Grimes from the Saturday night live skit. I think I did fairly well considering I had quite a few of my peers in stitches. Pat on the back for me. Really it just gave me a boost of confidence in acting that I was lacking lately. because Aimelle always takes her acting part to like another level.. with ideas I hadn't really thought of.. or just going out of her comfort zone.. and well I don't do that.. but I think it's just a growing thing. So on a completely random note.. my stomach has been hurting for the past hour.. and it won't stopppppp. wahhhh. But luckily for me.. I'm so tired that I don't think it will really matter. Oh and I'm not just tired due to my normal lack of sleep.. that three hour play I mentioned earlier? Yeah I stood the whole time (it was worth it for sure.. but it can really make you exhausted after awhile). And tomorrow we're going to the Globe and guess who gets to stand again??? MEEEEEE!!!! again.. I might whine now.. or tomorrow afterwards.. but in the end it is beyond worth it.
And now on to another random change of subject: Do you ever purposefully keep yourself busy or in constant stress mode in order to keep from pausing and actually dwelling on something? and by dwelling I kind of just mean think about it in general. Because I think that's what I've been doing lately. In fact today... I bit my nails... I know I know.. I was doing so good too. I mean, the two that I kind of chewed on are still there.. but theyre just shorter than the others now. And a part of me was like... well now you have to bite them all to make them the same length.. but I resisted!!! Well, off to bed I am. After I clear off my bed.. and put on my sheets.. and put on pjs.. oh who am I kidding.. I'm not putting on Pj's.. sleeping in this. hah. Until next time!
I just got back from a play... we left at 615... it is now 11:45. I was out for 5 and a half hours all for one show. The show itself was 3 and a half hours long. It was titled: Earthquakes in London. Very interesting play, in literally every aspect. The acting was the only thing that wasn't interesting.. it was bloody perfect. And now I'm expected to write a analysis on it.. not that I don't have loads to say, but I have absolutely no idea how to organize my thoughts onto paper. I guess it'll come to me eventually... it's not due until tuesday anyhow.
The rest of my day was filled with class. And in class I was a part of a presentation where I mimicked Judy Grimes from the Saturday night live skit. I think I did fairly well considering I had quite a few of my peers in stitches. Pat on the back for me. Really it just gave me a boost of confidence in acting that I was lacking lately. because Aimelle always takes her acting part to like another level.. with ideas I hadn't really thought of.. or just going out of her comfort zone.. and well I don't do that.. but I think it's just a growing thing. So on a completely random note.. my stomach has been hurting for the past hour.. and it won't stopppppp. wahhhh. But luckily for me.. I'm so tired that I don't think it will really matter. Oh and I'm not just tired due to my normal lack of sleep.. that three hour play I mentioned earlier? Yeah I stood the whole time (it was worth it for sure.. but it can really make you exhausted after awhile). And tomorrow we're going to the Globe and guess who gets to stand again??? MEEEEEE!!!! again.. I might whine now.. or tomorrow afterwards.. but in the end it is beyond worth it.
And now on to another random change of subject: Do you ever purposefully keep yourself busy or in constant stress mode in order to keep from pausing and actually dwelling on something? and by dwelling I kind of just mean think about it in general. Because I think that's what I've been doing lately. In fact today... I bit my nails... I know I know.. I was doing so good too. I mean, the two that I kind of chewed on are still there.. but theyre just shorter than the others now. And a part of me was like... well now you have to bite them all to make them the same length.. but I resisted!!! Well, off to bed I am. After I clear off my bed.. and put on my sheets.. and put on pjs.. oh who am I kidding.. I'm not putting on Pj's.. sleeping in this. hah. Until next time!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 43: Vampire Birthdays
Song of the Day: Taylor, the Latte Boy by Kristin Chenowith. I am singing this song for the next London talent show we have here!!! I am so excited!! :D Of course I'm no Kristin, but it'll be fun just the same.
So yesterday, because it was so extremely and ridiculously hot I didn't get to discuss what really happened. And to be honest not too much did happen... that is except I watched the first episode of the second season of the Vampire Diaries!!!!!!! It was so EPIC!!! Like seriously.. I had to pause it numerous times just so I could calmly stop screaming. You can ask my roommates... they will only confirm my story. The best part is that even though I read the books this show was modeled after.. the show makes it all so much better!!! And they've changed it up so much I have absolutely no idea where they're going with the plot!! I just know what happens in the books.. and so far.. its been completely off.. in almost every way. that is except for the main premise of the story.. haha. So that is my happy rant about one of my favorite shows ever. Soon Glee will begin and I can squeal over that show too. And I think I deserve to watch these two shows considering I havent watched any other movies or tv shows while being here at all!!! ha. :D
Well today was extremely busy. I took my Theatre final... got a 90% which is good because that test was much harder than the midterm.. I'm really pleased with an A- especially since that's practically all Ronda gives out. But we still have scenefest which can either improve or hinder my grade.. so ill keep my fingers crossed through that whole experience. And then today was the first day of my Art class.. which would have been good if I didnt have to stand for the two and a half hours. We went to the National Gallery, and well I'll be brutally honest.. most of the paintings we looked at were boring boring boring. SO BORING. But there were about three I absolutely loved, so those few made it a tiny bit better. Next week we'll be in class, and as weird as this may sound I like sitting in a class room and learning more than having to follow the teacher around a museum and hear him talk. I just retain the information better. And after he's taught the info.. we can go on a field trip and see the actual paintings and what not. That is my contribution to how class should be run.. but alas I am not the professor. meh.
Oh. and in case you all don't know. Today is also Lauren Garcia's birthday!!! She turned 21 today. And since I can't be there, I am already planning a make-up birthday bash when I get back!! It might be epic.. and by might.. I mean it most definitely will.
Wellp I need to be heading off to bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow in order to finish reading Henry IV part 1 because we have a quiz on it first thing in the am. Speaking of which.. I think I have read enough Shakespeare to last me a bloody life time.. and to think.. we're only about half way done.. awesomeness.
Until Next Time!!!
So yesterday, because it was so extremely and ridiculously hot I didn't get to discuss what really happened. And to be honest not too much did happen... that is except I watched the first episode of the second season of the Vampire Diaries!!!!!!! It was so EPIC!!! Like seriously.. I had to pause it numerous times just so I could calmly stop screaming. You can ask my roommates... they will only confirm my story. The best part is that even though I read the books this show was modeled after.. the show makes it all so much better!!! And they've changed it up so much I have absolutely no idea where they're going with the plot!! I just know what happens in the books.. and so far.. its been completely off.. in almost every way. that is except for the main premise of the story.. haha. So that is my happy rant about one of my favorite shows ever. Soon Glee will begin and I can squeal over that show too. And I think I deserve to watch these two shows considering I havent watched any other movies or tv shows while being here at all!!! ha. :D
Well today was extremely busy. I took my Theatre final... got a 90% which is good because that test was much harder than the midterm.. I'm really pleased with an A- especially since that's practically all Ronda gives out. But we still have scenefest which can either improve or hinder my grade.. so ill keep my fingers crossed through that whole experience. And then today was the first day of my Art class.. which would have been good if I didnt have to stand for the two and a half hours. We went to the National Gallery, and well I'll be brutally honest.. most of the paintings we looked at were boring boring boring. SO BORING. But there were about three I absolutely loved, so those few made it a tiny bit better. Next week we'll be in class, and as weird as this may sound I like sitting in a class room and learning more than having to follow the teacher around a museum and hear him talk. I just retain the information better. And after he's taught the info.. we can go on a field trip and see the actual paintings and what not. That is my contribution to how class should be run.. but alas I am not the professor. meh.
Oh. and in case you all don't know. Today is also Lauren Garcia's birthday!!! She turned 21 today. And since I can't be there, I am already planning a make-up birthday bash when I get back!! It might be epic.. and by might.. I mean it most definitely will.
Wellp I need to be heading off to bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow in order to finish reading Henry IV part 1 because we have a quiz on it first thing in the am. Speaking of which.. I think I have read enough Shakespeare to last me a bloody life time.. and to think.. we're only about half way done.. awesomeness.
Until Next Time!!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 42: You know...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 41: 71 one days.
Song of the Day: Falling Slowly covered by Kris Allen (originally in the movie Once)
AMAZING!!!!! :D I highly recommend it. on so many levels.
I went shopping today in Camden Market. I didn't buy anything though... but it was an awesome experience. I definitely want to go back when I figure out what I want to buy people as their Christmas gifts. Then Jill, Jess and I attempted to get an OCP project done involving churches that aren't used as churches anymore.. only problem was that all the churches that are still churches are closed on Saturday... yeah.. who knew? Because I didn't. It was getting very frustrating walking around for literally a good hour or so.. but then we visited St. Paul's which was of course open and from there everything worked out. My mood even improved by like a thousand. Well anyway, I don't have much more to say besides I just discovered how much I like Kris Allen (the guy who beat Adam Lambert in American idol).. So I might talk about him often over the next few days. Well I'm off to bed. Until Next Time.
PS I love Lauren. :D (we're skyping right now. hehe)
PSS make sure you say an extra prayer for all those families effected by the 9/11 tragedy nine years ago... and maybe just for your country in general.
AMAZING!!!!! :D I highly recommend it. on so many levels.
I went shopping today in Camden Market. I didn't buy anything though... but it was an awesome experience. I definitely want to go back when I figure out what I want to buy people as their Christmas gifts. Then Jill, Jess and I attempted to get an OCP project done involving churches that aren't used as churches anymore.. only problem was that all the churches that are still churches are closed on Saturday... yeah.. who knew? Because I didn't. It was getting very frustrating walking around for literally a good hour or so.. but then we visited St. Paul's which was of course open and from there everything worked out. My mood even improved by like a thousand. Well anyway, I don't have much more to say besides I just discovered how much I like Kris Allen (the guy who beat Adam Lambert in American idol).. So I might talk about him often over the next few days. Well I'm off to bed. Until Next Time.
PS I love Lauren. :D (we're skyping right now. hehe)
PSS make sure you say an extra prayer for all those families effected by the 9/11 tragedy nine years ago... and maybe just for your country in general.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 40: Oh Happy Day!
Song of the Day: Ring of Fear- Adam Lambert rendition. If youve been liking my music picks so far.. I think you may like this one as well. I stole it from Jill's computer. I love home sharing on itunes!!!
Epic day today. Not in the sense that anything extraordinary happened (like yesterday!! hehe) but it was so fun. We went to Primark, Jess, Jill and I, and it was so great! Well we had actually planned to go in the morning and then go to St. Paul's later in the day... but they let me sleep in till noon!!! I mean I figured they would have been like hey charity.. do you know what time it is??? but nada.. so I slept till I could sleep no more. But we still ended up going to Primark where I bought a summer tank top and sweater. I needed both of them badly. It's still just so hot here.. I'd totally compare it to San Diego weather. And it's not that I don't like San Diego weather, but I'm in London. I want cold wet weather!!!! meh. So anyway, awesome shopping day at Primark and then we came back to the room and chilled. And then tonight we just had a really fun time acting crazy and having a blast. I went out for a night stroll with Andy later... that was nice. I never really talk with guys because lets face it.. I don't have too many guy friends.. so it was different but cool. And then we I got back more fun ensued in our room and only recently has it subsided. But overall it was an awesome awesome day.
We also made a make shift net to cover the window with to keep the bees out.. and so far its working wonderfully!!!! We used my dirty clothes hamper.. which is actually a netted bag and a sweater that is net-like. So I'm kind of out two important things.. but I'll make it work.. because having our window actually open is so worth it.
We're going to Camden market tomorrow and maybe St Pauls.. and maybe some other churches (as an OCP assignment). But as usual I'll keep you updated. :D
PS Megan bought Hollywood by Michael Buble after I mentioned it in the other blog. She is obviously the smartest person I know because of this. And not only that but she gets to enjoy the song like me!!! You should be jealous.. or follow in her wake.. and buy it too!!!! ;)
Until Next Time.
Epic day today. Not in the sense that anything extraordinary happened (like yesterday!! hehe) but it was so fun. We went to Primark, Jess, Jill and I, and it was so great! Well we had actually planned to go in the morning and then go to St. Paul's later in the day... but they let me sleep in till noon!!! I mean I figured they would have been like hey charity.. do you know what time it is??? but nada.. so I slept till I could sleep no more. But we still ended up going to Primark where I bought a summer tank top and sweater. I needed both of them badly. It's still just so hot here.. I'd totally compare it to San Diego weather. And it's not that I don't like San Diego weather, but I'm in London. I want cold wet weather!!!! meh. So anyway, awesome shopping day at Primark and then we came back to the room and chilled. And then tonight we just had a really fun time acting crazy and having a blast. I went out for a night stroll with Andy later... that was nice. I never really talk with guys because lets face it.. I don't have too many guy friends.. so it was different but cool. And then we I got back more fun ensued in our room and only recently has it subsided. But overall it was an awesome awesome day.
We also made a make shift net to cover the window with to keep the bees out.. and so far its working wonderfully!!!! We used my dirty clothes hamper.. which is actually a netted bag and a sweater that is net-like. So I'm kind of out two important things.. but I'll make it work.. because having our window actually open is so worth it.
We're going to Camden market tomorrow and maybe St Pauls.. and maybe some other churches (as an OCP assignment). But as usual I'll keep you updated. :D
PS Megan bought Hollywood by Michael Buble after I mentioned it in the other blog. She is obviously the smartest person I know because of this. And not only that but she gets to enjoy the song like me!!! You should be jealous.. or follow in her wake.. and buy it too!!!! ;)
Until Next Time.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 39: Gleeked Out
Song of the Day: Another One Bites the Dust redone by Glee, with lead vocals by Jonathan Groff.. who will make an appearance later on. hehe.
today started off like any other day. Went to class.. was bored out of my mind. But I did get to have my next class (poetry) at this coffee shop above this huge tesco (large food store.. like vons but better). It was slightly distracting, but it was still nice to have class in a coffee shop. Also, Courtney, a classmate of mine, bought coconut from tesco and brought it with her. Real chunks of coconut!!! I haven't been able to find coconut like that since Hawaii!!! I was soo flipping excited. She shared them with me and everything. i was in coconut heaven. (they dont really taste like the coconut youre used to, its more of an actual nut flavor... it's so good though) and then after class I meandered on over to the book section where, get this, almost every book was buy one get one FREE!!!! So of course I couldn't pass it up and started looking around. I ended up buying harry potter and the philosopher's stone!!! Not sorcerers stone, but philosophers stone!!! now i have an British version of Harry Potter. You wish you could be so lucky. I also got this book titled Beautiful Creatures. I've been curious about it for the past 4 months or so now, and since I had to buy another children's book to get the deal I thought hey why not? so roughly I got each book for about 6 dollars. :D So worth it.
I then got back to the room and did laundry for the next couple of hours, and finally started getting ready for the
play Deathtrap that I was going with Jessica to later tonight. And there's no point in skirting around the subject.. we went to the play.. which was so amazing by the way. It was hilarious!!! yet surprisingly frightening at the same time. They called it a comedy thriller. Well it was definitely both. at one point I think i was gasping for air and holding on to Jessica for dear life. That epic. well anyway, after the play finished Jessica and I booked it to the side of the building where the stage door was. And it was there that I met Jonathan Groff (he was one of the main characters in the play). And took this picture with him. And got his autograph. When he heard our accents he asked us where we are from! So he actually talked with us!! well at least for a little small while he did. He is the one and only celebrity that I have met. It was just so cool. I put up all the pictures of my night and the last week and a half up on facebook if you'd like to see all my adventures. as for now though, I am going straight off to bed. It is late, and I only get to sleep in a very little bit. :( so ta-ta, Until next Time.
PS due to the Internet.. and how much it fails at life.. i could not post last night. I was literally two minutes away from publishing and the Internet just died.. went caput.. so.. there goes my perfect record of posting everyday. stupid dumb sucky internet. meh.
today started off like any other day. Went to class.. was bored out of my mind. But I did get to have my next class (poetry) at this coffee shop above this huge tesco (large food store.. like vons but better). It was slightly distracting, but it was still nice to have class in a coffee shop. Also, Courtney, a classmate of mine, bought coconut from tesco and brought it with her. Real chunks of coconut!!! I haven't been able to find coconut like that since Hawaii!!! I was soo flipping excited. She shared them with me and everything. i was in coconut heaven. (they dont really taste like the coconut youre used to, its more of an actual nut flavor... it's so good though) and then after class I meandered on over to the book section where, get this, almost every book was buy one get one FREE!!!! So of course I couldn't pass it up and started looking around. I ended up buying harry potter and the philosopher's stone!!! Not sorcerers stone, but philosophers stone!!! now i have an British version of Harry Potter. You wish you could be so lucky. I also got this book titled Beautiful Creatures. I've been curious about it for the past 4 months or so now, and since I had to buy another children's book to get the deal I thought hey why not? so roughly I got each book for about 6 dollars. :D So worth it.
I then got back to the room and did laundry for the next couple of hours, and finally started getting ready for the
PS due to the Internet.. and how much it fails at life.. i could not post last night. I was literally two minutes away from publishing and the Internet just died.. went caput.. so.. there goes my perfect record of posting everyday. stupid dumb sucky internet. meh.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 38: Painting encourages patience
Song of the Day: Hollywood the newest song by Michael Buble. I'll admit I haven't exactly listened to it the whole way through. Then why did I pick it to be the song of the day you might ask.. and the answer is.. the 30 seconds i did listen to it I loved it and thought i should share in my love. Because it was just that good. So you can imagine how good the entire song will be...
Today was busy. busy busy busy. I woke up early to finish homework. i went to class. Came back up to my room and finished more homework... where i proceeded to send the document to the lee abbey reception desk.. only to find out that when i went down to pay for it.. they were on some sort of break.. so i had no one to print out my paper that was due the moment i walked into class. Well by the grace of God it all worked out and I got it printed.. but now I was late for class. So all by my little lonesome I head for the tube station. Once there I wait for about ten minutes for a particular train only to find out that it was never going to come because there were system failures on that particular line. So then i figure out another way to get to my class and pretty much jog the entire way there. (not literally... I took the tube for most of the trip.. but when I was walking I was walking very very fast) But I made it in time and sat through class for the next two hours. It was intro to Theatre and it was my last official class!! I have my final on Monday!!! we divvied out scenes for scenefest and Aimelle and I are going to be working together on The Odd Couple rewritten for females. It is so so so so funny. I am so excited to memorize and act and just have fun!!!
The rest of my day was too boring to really mention, so I won't. But I did finish my homework!!! hence why I am writing this blog so earlayyyyy!!!! hahaha. Well I am once again exhausted.. then again when am I not exhausted? Which reminds me to take my iron pill!!! Not that I think it helps... but whatever. At least I have pretty nails. Theyre purple and black. Very retro. :D Tomorrow I get to see Deathtrap with Jonathan Groff!!! whose excited?? I am I am!!!!! (watch it be the worst play I've ever seen... bahahaah) Until next Time.
Today was busy. busy busy busy. I woke up early to finish homework. i went to class. Came back up to my room and finished more homework... where i proceeded to send the document to the lee abbey reception desk.. only to find out that when i went down to pay for it.. they were on some sort of break.. so i had no one to print out my paper that was due the moment i walked into class. Well by the grace of God it all worked out and I got it printed.. but now I was late for class. So all by my little lonesome I head for the tube station. Once there I wait for about ten minutes for a particular train only to find out that it was never going to come because there were system failures on that particular line. So then i figure out another way to get to my class and pretty much jog the entire way there. (not literally... I took the tube for most of the trip.. but when I was walking I was walking very very fast) But I made it in time and sat through class for the next two hours. It was intro to Theatre and it was my last official class!! I have my final on Monday!!! we divvied out scenes for scenefest and Aimelle and I are going to be working together on The Odd Couple rewritten for females. It is so so so so funny. I am so excited to memorize and act and just have fun!!!
The rest of my day was too boring to really mention, so I won't. But I did finish my homework!!! hence why I am writing this blog so earlayyyyy!!!! hahaha. Well I am once again exhausted.. then again when am I not exhausted? Which reminds me to take my iron pill!!! Not that I think it helps... but whatever. At least I have pretty nails. Theyre purple and black. Very retro. :D Tomorrow I get to see Deathtrap with Jonathan Groff!!! whose excited?? I am I am!!!!! (watch it be the worst play I've ever seen... bahahaah) Until next Time.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 37: what what what are you doing?
Song of the Day: Don't Go Breaking My Heart from Ella Enchanted sung by Anne Hathaway and Jesse McCartney. Jessica Griffin and I started singing this today on the tube... I started it because I had to figure out a way to make her not upset with me anymore (fake upset I should say.. we like to pretend alot over here in London.. for instance.. the other day I was a wizard.. and the day before that I was a princess.. you see?)
Well... I finished up homework thinking I was ready to hop in bed and finally get to sleep but NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo i have to write my blog. meh and then when I posted this blog.. or clicked publish post it gave me this stupid error message that erased half my blog.. and of course I dont remember what I said so now you get this lovely filler message instead.. it had something to do about how i'm addicted to procrastination... not alcohol or drugs.. but procrastination.. oh and freeCell. Which ultimately just leads to more procrastination. Its kind of awesome.. in a way.. somehow. but anyway, back to the essence and reason of this blog...
Well... I finished up homework thinking I was ready to hop in bed and finally get to sleep but NOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo i have to write my blog. meh and then when I posted this blog.. or clicked publish post it gave me this stupid error message that erased half my blog.. and of course I dont remember what I said so now you get this lovely filler message instead.. it had something to do about how i'm addicted to procrastination... not alcohol or drugs.. but procrastination.. oh and freeCell. Which ultimately just leads to more procrastination. Its kind of awesome.. in a way.. somehow. but anyway, back to the essence and reason of this blog...
Here is a little summary of my day: I went to class. I went to the Royal National Theatre to see Danton's Death. It was good. I came back and have been writing papers since then. I just finished.
sorry. I just got very frustrated for a second. I am better now. But anyway, I'm off to bed now. Nothing interesting happening tomorrow.. besides finishing up the homework that I didn't get done tonight but that is still due tomorrow. hahaha. hehehe. hahaha Until Next Time.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Day 36: 100th Blog Post
Song of the Day: Far Longer Than Forever from the Swan Princess. I always loved that movie, and I just always loved this song... :D It brings back alot of great memories.
So today is my hundredth blog post!!!! Wooooooo. And to commemorate such an event the Loma Londoners planned a party!! Okay that's a lie, the party was actually in honor of every one's birthdays. My day started out kind of rough... I've been in a perpetually bad mood but it slowly began to lift around 4 pm today... and ever since then I have been a lot less bitter and hostile. In fact I might even be considered peachy. At least for the moment, but I have over 6 papers I need to write and so that is just a tad daunting, but with a restful night's sleep I will be able to awaken refreshed and ready to kick butt. I don't have alot to say, which is slightly disheartening because I figure my 100th blog post is supposed to be epic or something or another... but it will actually be rather short and not that different than all my others. Lame I know. I do have some pretty exciting news though: for all you Glee fans out there.. or Spring Awakening fans.. Jonathan Groff (the actor who played douche bag Jesse in Glee) is in a new play over here in London and guess who is going to see it Thursday night!!!! MEEEE!!!!! It's a comedy thriller... so I don't exactly know what I'm getting myself into.. but hopefully it will all be worth it. And about the Germany/Ireland dilemma... I think I decided upon Ireland. I've never been there before.. and although I don't particularly remember Germany all that well I can still say I've been before.. where as I can't say that about Ireland. That is, until I go there!!! AHHHHH. :D But I have to get all the specifics figured out and of course I'll update everyone then. Well, I'm off to bed now... tomorrow I will be doing laundry!!! which I am so excited about and I will be doing an epic amount of homework. Again, so excited. But at least I get to go see a play tomorrow night titled Danton's Death. It's about the French Revolution. And for someone who doesn't enjoy politics (that would be me I am referring to just in case you didn't know) I deeply enjoy history. Thanks to my amazing professor Dr. Wood who I quoted numerous times while blogging this past year. He gave me a new found passion for history and all the it entails. So I'll definitely let you know how that goes as well. So Until next Time. :)
So today is my hundredth blog post!!!! Wooooooo. And to commemorate such an event the Loma Londoners planned a party!! Okay that's a lie, the party was actually in honor of every one's birthdays. My day started out kind of rough... I've been in a perpetually bad mood but it slowly began to lift around 4 pm today... and ever since then I have been a lot less bitter and hostile. In fact I might even be considered peachy. At least for the moment, but I have over 6 papers I need to write and so that is just a tad daunting, but with a restful night's sleep I will be able to awaken refreshed and ready to kick butt. I don't have alot to say, which is slightly disheartening because I figure my 100th blog post is supposed to be epic or something or another... but it will actually be rather short and not that different than all my others. Lame I know. I do have some pretty exciting news though: for all you Glee fans out there.. or Spring Awakening fans.. Jonathan Groff (the actor who played douche bag Jesse in Glee) is in a new play over here in London and guess who is going to see it Thursday night!!!! MEEEE!!!!! It's a comedy thriller... so I don't exactly know what I'm getting myself into.. but hopefully it will all be worth it. And about the Germany/Ireland dilemma... I think I decided upon Ireland. I've never been there before.. and although I don't particularly remember Germany all that well I can still say I've been before.. where as I can't say that about Ireland. That is, until I go there!!! AHHHHH. :D But I have to get all the specifics figured out and of course I'll update everyone then. Well, I'm off to bed now... tomorrow I will be doing laundry!!! which I am so excited about and I will be doing an epic amount of homework. Again, so excited. But at least I get to go see a play tomorrow night titled Danton's Death. It's about the French Revolution. And for someone who doesn't enjoy politics (that would be me I am referring to just in case you didn't know) I deeply enjoy history. Thanks to my amazing professor Dr. Wood who I quoted numerous times while blogging this past year. He gave me a new found passion for history and all the it entails. So I'll definitely let you know how that goes as well. So Until next Time. :)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Day 35: I hate emotions...the end.
Song of the Day: Get Back to Hogwarts from A Very Potter Musical. I know some people say that the musical spoof off of Harry Potter isn't that funny and it's way too long. But this is what I say to those people: You are misinformed and just very very wrong. And you may argue that that is just your opinion, in which case I say: nope. You're still wrong. muahaha. :p. But seriously, if you haven't watched it you need to. It may be a tad long.. but nothing too horrendous. The first Act is the best though.. so at the very least watch that. It's all on youtube. :D
So I went to church twice today. I feel like I'm moving on up in the Christian universe considering I went from not going at all (during school last year) to going twice on the same day? Then again, God doesn't keep track of how many church services we go to so nevermind. But the point is, I enjoyed both services. The worship was amazing, and the sermons weren't too bad. I had an awesome time, and I'm really glad I was actually able to find a church here. I think it's funny though how literally everything we do here is just a part of school... including church... I have to do a write up of different worship services.. and turn it in. >.< I think I'm just in a sour mood and of course it makes it difficult to write a pleasant blog... one in which I don't vent about certain grievances I have at the moment. Also, on top of that I just want to cry all the time. It's why I have to listen to music from things like A Very Potter Musical... You just cant cry over any of those songs. Where as I put on a worship song.. or some slow country song and I'll start weeping. I seriously need to get a grip on this crying business. meh.
Now I know I mentioned this in my last blog, but since no one commented/answered I'm bringing it up again. Should I go to IRELAND or GERMANY????? Now I'm leaning towards Ireland. Because well.. it's awesome. But Germany might be awesome too. tell me your thoughts. I am all ears. Or eyes in this case.
So I am going to either hop in bed and get some sleep or keep doing homework... or maybe just sit here and cry since that seems like such a pressing option. But whatever happens.. I have school tomorrow.. how exciting.. ugh. shoot me. Until Next Time.
So I went to church twice today. I feel like I'm moving on up in the Christian universe considering I went from not going at all (during school last year) to going twice on the same day? Then again, God doesn't keep track of how many church services we go to so nevermind. But the point is, I enjoyed both services. The worship was amazing, and the sermons weren't too bad. I had an awesome time, and I'm really glad I was actually able to find a church here. I think it's funny though how literally everything we do here is just a part of school... including church... I have to do a write up of different worship services.. and turn it in. >.< I think I'm just in a sour mood and of course it makes it difficult to write a pleasant blog... one in which I don't vent about certain grievances I have at the moment. Also, on top of that I just want to cry all the time. It's why I have to listen to music from things like A Very Potter Musical... You just cant cry over any of those songs. Where as I put on a worship song.. or some slow country song and I'll start weeping. I seriously need to get a grip on this crying business. meh.
Now I know I mentioned this in my last blog, but since no one commented/answered I'm bringing it up again. Should I go to IRELAND or GERMANY????? Now I'm leaning towards Ireland. Because well.. it's awesome. But Germany might be awesome too. tell me your thoughts. I am all ears. Or eyes in this case.
So I am going to either hop in bed and get some sleep or keep doing homework... or maybe just sit here and cry since that seems like such a pressing option. But whatever happens.. I have school tomorrow.. how exciting.. ugh. shoot me. Until Next Time.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 34: Stratford-upon-Amazing!
Song of the Day: All About Love by Steven Curtis Chapman. I want to live this song out... but sometimes it's just really difficult. Because not only are you supposed to love others but yourself as well. Treating yourself
like poop can often be just as bad as treating others as such. We are all children of God, and we should be proud of that fact. I should be proud of that. As the song says: After all it's all about Love. My little devotion of the day.
Today we took the train up to Stratford-upon-avon... William Shakespeare's birthplace. Where we saw the Royal Shakespeare Company put on Julius Caesar. It was pretty amazing. It wasn't my favorite, but I think that's just because
I'm not a huge fan of the text/plot line. But they did fantastic with what they were working with. Before we actually saw the play we had some time to roam; there was this lovely lake and we also stumbled upon the Shakespeare statues, including Lady Macbeth. Who even though I haven't read the play or seen it... I think I really like her character. Hence... picture of me copying the statue.. haha. :D And then we went to tea, which wasn't as good as the first tea we went to, but it was a yummy tea
just the same. And afterwards we actually made it on the train without running half a mile (in fact we got there 20 minutes early). And then we got back home, and I played cards with seven other people in our neighboring roommates. Cash. That was the game. And for the first time ever I didn't lose every single game. In fact we gave everyone a run for their money!!! I finally figured out a good secret key password to signal we that we have cash. And of course if you dont know the game you have no idea what that means, but I will definitely be up for teaching anyone and everyone when I get home! Just ask.
I forgot to mention that when I lived here in England back when I was a wee-one (age 2-5) we lived about 45 minutes from Stratford. When we go back there in two weeks I think I will try and take a bus to where we lived. Maybe I'll have like a memory flashback if I visit.. but most likely it will just be a really cool experience. By the way, I have the option to go to Ireland or Germany.. but not both.. So which should I go to?? Both will be roughly around the same price I think.. so that can't factor into your decision. But let me know you're thoughts!!! I'm all ears.
Now, today started out really crappy. I was in probably one of the worst moods I have been in while I've been here. Seriously, almost everyone was driving me up the wall. It was ridiculous. Not to mention it was supposed to be hot and it turned out to be rather chilly.. so that just made me more bitter. And then I will randomly get these bitter and depressing thoughts that can just consume my emotions. It wasn't until the train ride home that I started to feel better. And the sad thing is.. I don't think anyone even noticed. Which either means I'm getting better at hiding my emotions.. or people are completely oblivious. A part of me is happy when no one sees how sad/upset I am because then I don't have to try and explain why (which in this case is just so complicated anyways). But then another part just gets more upset. Am I that invisible? Which is slightly ironic because it's not like you can ever miss me. I'm as big as life. Well almost.
And one more thing... Is it normal to be able to completely push thoughts/memories out of your mind to the point that you don't have to deal with the emotions that come along with them? Just a question.
Well that's all I have for today... I'll be going to church tomorrow and doing homework ALL day. lol. Wish me luck. Until Next Time. :D
BTW it is Megan Deboard's Birthday today!!! She is WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL. and I wish her the happiest of birthdays. Wish you could be here in London with me hun!!! Love you!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 33: Apple Turnover
Song of the Day: Come What May from Moulin Rouge.
Today was a rollercoaster of emotion. There were parts, like going to this small park behind a church on High Street Kensington and having a small picnic, that were absolutely wonderful. It was an absolutely beautiful day. In fact it made me regret the fact that I pretty much only packed for the fall and winter. I literally have three tops that could be considered summery (and I bought two of them here... haha). So for all of you who think London is cold and rainy all year long.. you are sadly mistaken. It feels like San Diego right now.. that's how wrong you are. lol. Also, for any of you who think England food is bad.. again.. misinformed.. SO GOOD. I guess it is kind of a melting pot like America.. but their breads and desserts are just amazing. I had this shortbread cookie with milk chocolate chunks that was absolutely divine. Good thing I don't have an unhealthy obsession with food.. oh wait.. haha. But I'm going to try very hard to stop buying food. I know I've said this before.. but I want to spend money on more memorable things.. (though that cookie was quite memorable). Tomorrow we're going to Stratford-upon-Avon to see Julius Caesar, and we get to have TEA!!!! seriously, the best invention in the world.. eating tea with tiny sandwiches and scones. So good. And it also means I don't need to buy anything. Yay.
I slept in till noon today. Then went to the park with Aimelle like I said, and then came back and took a two hour nap. So to say the least, I got a few good hours of sleep. It was purely grand. Except for when I woke up because our room was SOOOOO hot. The sun was shining in, and we can't have our window open for fear of bee attacks.. so it was like a bloody sauna. Definition of unpleasant.
I found out the cast for Much Ado About Nothing at PLNU!!!! Congratulations to everyone involved. Seriously miss everyone so much. And yes, I am happy to be here in London still, but I am definitely jealous of all the camaraderie that will occur over this show. Maybe you can make a card board cut out of me and keep it around the theatre... that way you can all pretend I'm there. all the time. Keep Irving company. Run it by Doc and see what he thinks for me will you? :D But again, I hope everyone has the best time and I can't wait to see the finished product.
And finally, I like to keep everything in my blogs upbeat for the most part. I don't exactly go on about annoying things, or any instances where I may or may not bawl like a baby. Especially because it all seems so thankless when I'm here in London. But in reality, London doesn't change my life into this perfect ball of fun and simplicity. I still have to deal with issues and emotions. And today, well today... I can't really talk about it. For fear of bawling and what not, but I will just say that sometimes we have to make decisions that hurt. And I don't know how long it will take for the hurt to go away. All I can say is that it is in God's hands; now I just have to trust him.
Until Next Time.
Today was a rollercoaster of emotion. There were parts, like going to this small park behind a church on High Street Kensington and having a small picnic, that were absolutely wonderful. It was an absolutely beautiful day. In fact it made me regret the fact that I pretty much only packed for the fall and winter. I literally have three tops that could be considered summery (and I bought two of them here... haha). So for all of you who think London is cold and rainy all year long.. you are sadly mistaken. It feels like San Diego right now.. that's how wrong you are. lol. Also, for any of you who think England food is bad.. again.. misinformed.. SO GOOD. I guess it is kind of a melting pot like America.. but their breads and desserts are just amazing. I had this shortbread cookie with milk chocolate chunks that was absolutely divine. Good thing I don't have an unhealthy obsession with food.. oh wait.. haha. But I'm going to try very hard to stop buying food. I know I've said this before.. but I want to spend money on more memorable things.. (though that cookie was quite memorable). Tomorrow we're going to Stratford-upon-Avon to see Julius Caesar, and we get to have TEA!!!! seriously, the best invention in the world.. eating tea with tiny sandwiches and scones. So good. And it also means I don't need to buy anything. Yay.
I slept in till noon today. Then went to the park with Aimelle like I said, and then came back and took a two hour nap. So to say the least, I got a few good hours of sleep. It was purely grand. Except for when I woke up because our room was SOOOOO hot. The sun was shining in, and we can't have our window open for fear of bee attacks.. so it was like a bloody sauna. Definition of unpleasant.
I found out the cast for Much Ado About Nothing at PLNU!!!! Congratulations to everyone involved. Seriously miss everyone so much. And yes, I am happy to be here in London still, but I am definitely jealous of all the camaraderie that will occur over this show. Maybe you can make a card board cut out of me and keep it around the theatre... that way you can all pretend I'm there. all the time. Keep Irving company. Run it by Doc and see what he thinks for me will you? :D But again, I hope everyone has the best time and I can't wait to see the finished product.
And finally, I like to keep everything in my blogs upbeat for the most part. I don't exactly go on about annoying things, or any instances where I may or may not bawl like a baby. Especially because it all seems so thankless when I'm here in London. But in reality, London doesn't change my life into this perfect ball of fun and simplicity. I still have to deal with issues and emotions. And today, well today... I can't really talk about it. For fear of bawling and what not, but I will just say that sometimes we have to make decisions that hurt. And I don't know how long it will take for the hurt to go away. All I can say is that it is in God's hands; now I just have to trust him.
Until Next Time.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 32: To Fringe or not to Fringe
Song of the Day: Dancing Through Life from Wicked. It's been in my head all day. I listened to Adam Lambert singing it on youtube. He's a little box of vocal yummy goodness.
So today was rather low key. I did nothing. Well okay that's a lie. We went to the Royal National Theatre and took a tour of it. Pretty amazing to say the very least. I also went and saw a fringe performance of Medea (the Greek play by Euripides). Now, it was definitely fringe, but I wasn't a big fan of it. Like it was really well done and the concept was super unique, but there were only two actors and I'm kind of a fan of having more than just monologues throughout the whole thing. But it was interesting. For any theatre people reading this who have taken movement of any kind... Doc would have sat there riveted. When the main character (Medea.. obviously) wasn't speaking.. she was doing this elaborate never-ending movement piece. The entire time I was thinking... I have to take movement 2 next semester... maybe I could use some of this stuff. No joke. Doc would have been proud.
I just spent the last thirty minutes or so going through websites and finding plays that we're not going to go see as a group.. and I would like to note that Fringe theatre is much less expensive than any west end theatre. It's ridiculous the price difference. But I found some really cool ones, so I'm excited to look into it more. also, I counted up how many shows I'll be seeing with my classes (at least as of right now because Ronda randomly adds some now and again)... and the number is 21. I will have seen at least 21 plays by the time I get back in the states. thats about 1 and a half shows a week. Awesome. I'll have to put them all in a list from bestest ever to mehhhhh. It will be great fun.
Well again, I am off to bed, because I wait until the last moment to write these blogs. I wish I could stay up longer, especially since I get to sleep in... but maybe I'll get up and eat breakfast! I want to stop having to buy lunches, so I just have to stop being hungry. all the bloody time. Good plan aye?
Until next Time. :D
So today was rather low key. I did nothing. Well okay that's a lie. We went to the Royal National Theatre and took a tour of it. Pretty amazing to say the very least. I also went and saw a fringe performance of Medea (the Greek play by Euripides). Now, it was definitely fringe, but I wasn't a big fan of it. Like it was really well done and the concept was super unique, but there were only two actors and I'm kind of a fan of having more than just monologues throughout the whole thing. But it was interesting. For any theatre people reading this who have taken movement of any kind... Doc would have sat there riveted. When the main character (Medea.. obviously) wasn't speaking.. she was doing this elaborate never-ending movement piece. The entire time I was thinking... I have to take movement 2 next semester... maybe I could use some of this stuff. No joke. Doc would have been proud.
I just spent the last thirty minutes or so going through websites and finding plays that we're not going to go see as a group.. and I would like to note that Fringe theatre is much less expensive than any west end theatre. It's ridiculous the price difference. But I found some really cool ones, so I'm excited to look into it more. also, I counted up how many shows I'll be seeing with my classes (at least as of right now because Ronda randomly adds some now and again)... and the number is 21. I will have seen at least 21 plays by the time I get back in the states. thats about 1 and a half shows a week. Awesome. I'll have to put them all in a list from bestest ever to mehhhhh. It will be great fun.
Well again, I am off to bed, because I wait until the last moment to write these blogs. I wish I could stay up longer, especially since I get to sleep in... but maybe I'll get up and eat breakfast! I want to stop having to buy lunches, so I just have to stop being hungry. all the bloody time. Good plan aye?
Until next Time. :D
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 31: PoiNtLesS...
Song of the Day: My entire Ipod. Well actually just the playlist: Once again with feeling. Awesome songs in which I listened to all day.
Again.. short blog.. because it is 3 am in the morning here and I just remembered to write this before I pass out on the bed only two feet from where I am sitting. And don't think I'm holding out on you... because I literally just dont have anything interesting to talk about and I dont particularly think writing a list of what I did today would be all that thrilling.. but I guess I could.. so this wouldn't look so darn pathetic... here goes it:
-woke up
-ate breakfast
-helped aimelle present her National Art Gallery presentation where I was a muggle and she was a witch (harry potter themed.. obviously) and we had to travel back in time to get the rites for all the paintings... it was so cool. we used her rainboot as a portkey. And people laughed, so I figured it couldn't have sucked too badly.
-took a nap
-went to intro to theatre... got a rather poopy grade on a quiz.. should have read.. but did not. learned my lesson now didnt I? haha.. that's a lie.. it'll probably depend on the topic. And don't think I didn't read at all.. we were given two chapters.. I just didn't read the one the quiz was on..
-came back home on tube
-talked with Jill for at least an hour and probably more about Harry Potter and Twilight. We didn't compare them or anything.. but if we had Harry Potter OBVIOUSLY would win HANDS DOWN... Like infiniti hands down. But we talked about certain themes.. and then compared the movies to the books.. and what we think theyre going to leave out of the next few movies. It was a good discussion.. especially since Jill is a newly turned fan.. (she just read all the books last year.. I was so proud)
-went to dinner.. it was gross..usually its not gross.. but today it failed
-watched A Midsummer Night's Dream film.. the one with Stanley Tucci and Kevin Kline ... so it was awesome.. but just a time taker upper
-came back to the room where i preceded to write in my journal
-do a tiny bit of homework
-Skype my Grandma and Lauren
-Think about the fact my mom was supposed to Skype me in the evening but never did... booooo.
-write this lovely and superb blog
-go to bed (though this is more of a guess than an actual fact considering I am still awake.)
Well there was my first day of September. I think I left some stuff out.. like the fact I ate a cheese and tomato sandwich. I just cant get over how good they are!!! well anyway.. until Next time!! :D
Again.. short blog.. because it is 3 am in the morning here and I just remembered to write this before I pass out on the bed only two feet from where I am sitting. And don't think I'm holding out on you... because I literally just dont have anything interesting to talk about and I dont particularly think writing a list of what I did today would be all that thrilling.. but I guess I could.. so this wouldn't look so darn pathetic... here goes it:
-woke up
-ate breakfast
-helped aimelle present her National Art Gallery presentation where I was a muggle and she was a witch (harry potter themed.. obviously) and we had to travel back in time to get the rites for all the paintings... it was so cool. we used her rainboot as a portkey. And people laughed, so I figured it couldn't have sucked too badly.
-took a nap
-went to intro to theatre... got a rather poopy grade on a quiz.. should have read.. but did not. learned my lesson now didnt I? haha.. that's a lie.. it'll probably depend on the topic. And don't think I didn't read at all.. we were given two chapters.. I just didn't read the one the quiz was on..
-came back home on tube
-talked with Jill for at least an hour and probably more about Harry Potter and Twilight. We didn't compare them or anything.. but if we had Harry Potter OBVIOUSLY would win HANDS DOWN... Like infiniti hands down. But we talked about certain themes.. and then compared the movies to the books.. and what we think theyre going to leave out of the next few movies. It was a good discussion.. especially since Jill is a newly turned fan.. (she just read all the books last year.. I was so proud)
-went to dinner.. it was gross..usually its not gross.. but today it failed
-watched A Midsummer Night's Dream film.. the one with Stanley Tucci and Kevin Kline ... so it was awesome.. but just a time taker upper
-came back to the room where i preceded to write in my journal
-do a tiny bit of homework
-Skype my Grandma and Lauren
-Think about the fact my mom was supposed to Skype me in the evening but never did... booooo.
-write this lovely and superb blog
-go to bed (though this is more of a guess than an actual fact considering I am still awake.)
Well there was my first day of September. I think I left some stuff out.. like the fact I ate a cheese and tomato sandwich. I just cant get over how good they are!!! well anyway.. until Next time!! :D
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