today started off like any other day. Went to class.. was bored out of my mind. But I did get to have my next class (poetry) at this coffee shop above this huge tesco (large food store.. like vons but better). It was slightly distracting, but it was still nice to have class in a coffee shop. Also, Courtney, a classmate of mine, bought coconut from tesco and brought it with her. Real chunks of coconut!!! I haven't been able to find coconut like that since Hawaii!!! I was soo flipping excited. She shared them with me and everything. i was in coconut heaven. (they dont really taste like the coconut youre used to, its more of an actual nut flavor... it's so good though) and then after class I meandered on over to the book section where, get this, almost every book was buy one get one FREE!!!! So of course I couldn't pass it up and started looking around. I ended up buying harry potter and the philosopher's stone!!! Not sorcerers stone, but philosophers stone!!! now i have an British version of Harry Potter. You wish you could be so lucky. I also got this book titled Beautiful Creatures. I've been curious about it for the past 4 months or so now, and since I had to buy another children's book to get the deal I thought hey why not? so roughly I got each book for about 6 dollars. :D So worth it.
I then got back to the room and did laundry for the next couple of hours, and finally started getting ready for the
PS due to the Internet.. and how much it fails at life.. i could not post last night. I was literally two minutes away from publishing and the Internet just died.. went caput.. so.. there goes my perfect record of posting everyday. stupid dumb sucky internet. meh.
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