Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 35: I hate emotions...the end.

Song of the Day: Get Back to Hogwarts from A Very Potter Musical. I know some people say that the musical spoof off of Harry Potter isn't that funny and it's way too long. But this is what I say to those people: You are misinformed and just very very wrong. And you may argue that that is just your opinion, in which case I say: nope. You're still wrong. muahaha. :p. But seriously, if you haven't watched it you need to. It may be a tad long.. but nothing too horrendous. The first Act is the best though.. so at the very least watch that. It's all on youtube. :D
So I went to church twice today. I feel like I'm moving on up in the Christian universe considering I went from not going at all (during school last year) to going twice on the same day? Then again, God doesn't keep track of how many church services we go to so nevermind. But the point is, I enjoyed both services. The worship was amazing, and the sermons weren't too bad. I had an awesome time, and I'm really glad I was actually able to find a church here. I think it's funny though how literally everything we do here is just a part of school... including church... I have to do a write up of different worship services.. and turn it in. >.< I think I'm just in a sour mood and of course it makes it difficult to write a pleasant blog... one in which I don't vent about certain grievances I have at the moment. Also, on top of that I just want to cry all the time. It's why I have to listen to music from things like A Very Potter Musical... You just cant cry over any of those songs. Where as I put on a worship song.. or some slow country song and I'll start weeping. I seriously need to get a grip on this crying business. meh.
Now I know I mentioned this in my last blog, but since no one commented/answered I'm bringing it up again. Should I go to IRELAND or GERMANY????? Now I'm leaning towards Ireland. Because well.. it's awesome. But Germany might be awesome too. tell me your thoughts. I am all ears. Or eyes in this case.
So I am going to either hop in bed and get some sleep or keep doing homework... or maybe just sit here and cry since that seems like such a pressing option. But whatever happens.. I have school tomorrow.. how exciting.. ugh. shoot me. Until Next Time.


MOM said...

OK, so do you have to choose because they are going at the same time? So you need to make a choice? Or is it because of money? I can't help you out with a decision until you answer those questions. Also, are you all traveling to Paris as a group? Are you planning on going to Disneyland there? What is the cost of Ireland and what is the cost for Germany?
Also, go to my FB profile and look up Sept. 1 and watch that video I asked EVERYONE to watch. I hope that will maybe make you feel a little better and not so sour. Be Happy! Be Thankful! I Love YOU:)

Megan Hirst said...

Ireland was AMAZING! I had such a great experience the week I spent there. I didn't go to Germany, so I have no insight on that for you.

If you go to Oberammergau and see the Passion Play! They only do it every ten years, the history behind it is really interesting. Wikipedia it!

P.S. Disneyland Paris was SO MUCH FUN!