Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 46 & 47 & 48: SCOTLAND

Well as the title implies I am going to Scotland!! And I will have absolutely no internet contact for the next two and a half days, hence the mixed day blog!!! So today I only had one class.. it was wonderful!!! WONDERFUL!!!! not the class but the fact I didn't have any other classes!!! And so in literally two hours I will be in line for the bus to go to Scotland. Ahhhh! A ten hour bus ride!!! whose excited??? I AM!!! haha. I'm bringing playing cards and ipod and journal and my Odd Couple script that I have to highlight and start memorizing. So I have loads to do not to mention I can sleep most of the way!!! I will take lots and lots of pictures and upload them on facebook with a couple of them on here the moment I get back. Well maybe not the moment because I'll have to scadoodle on over to church.. but after that. Wish me luck on all this because it will be the first time staying in a Hostel. Whose glad she never watched the movie Hostel?? MEEEEEE!!!! Stupid horror movies. I despise them all. Well, I would love to stay and babble on.. but I must finish getting ready!!! AHHHHH. So until Next time!! :D Love you allllll.

1 comment:

MOM said...

Have a Wonderful and safe time!!! I am glad you didn't watch that movie either! lol