Song of the Day: Hollywood the newest song by Michael Buble. I'll admit I haven't exactly listened to it the whole way through. Then why did I pick it to be the song of the day you might ask.. and the answer is.. the 30 seconds i did listen to it I loved it and thought i should share in my love. Because it was just that good. So you can imagine how good the entire song will be...
Today was busy. busy busy busy. I woke up early to finish homework. i went to class. Came back up to my room and finished more homework... where i proceeded to send the document to the lee abbey reception desk.. only to find out that when i went down to pay for it.. they were on some sort of break.. so i had no one to print out my paper that was due the moment i walked into class. Well by the grace of God it all worked out and I got it printed.. but now I was late for class. So all by my little lonesome I head for the tube station. Once there I wait for about ten minutes for a particular train only to find out that it was never going to come because there were system failures on that particular line. So then i figure out another way to get to my class and pretty much jog the entire way there. (not literally... I took the tube for most of the trip.. but when I was walking I was walking very very fast) But I made it in time and sat through class for the next two hours. It was intro to Theatre and it was my last official class!! I have my final on Monday!!! we divvied out scenes for scenefest and Aimelle and I are going to be working together on The Odd Couple rewritten for females. It is so so so so funny. I am so excited to memorize and act and just have fun!!!
The rest of my day was too boring to really mention, so I won't. But I did finish my homework!!! hence why I am writing this blog so earlayyyyy!!!! hahaha. Well I am once again exhausted.. then again when am I not exhausted? Which reminds me to take my iron pill!!! Not that I think it helps... but whatever. At least I have pretty nails. Theyre purple and black. Very retro. :D Tomorrow I get to see Deathtrap with Jonathan Groff!!! whose excited?? I am I am!!!!! (watch it be the worst play I've ever seen... bahahaah) Until next Time.
1 comment:
Because of this post, I bought "Hollywood." Then bought "Haven't Met You Yet." Then went on to listen to all 30 second clips of all Michael Buble songs. I love him I love him I love him. And you.
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