Today we took the train up to Stratford-upon-avon... William Shakespeare's birthplace. Where we saw the Royal Shakespeare Company put on Julius Caesar. It was pretty amazing. It wasn't my favorite, but I think that's just because
I'm not a huge fan of the text/plot line. But they did fantastic with what they were working with. Before we actually saw the play we had some time to roam; there was this lovely lake and we also stumbled upon the Shakespeare statues, including Lady Macbeth. Who even though I haven't read the play or seen it... I think I really like her character. Hence... picture of me copying the statue.. haha. :D And then we went to tea, which wasn't as good as the first tea we went to, but it was a yummy tea
just the same. And afterwards we actually made it on the train without running half a mile (in fact we got there 20 minutes early). And then we got back home, and I played cards with seven other people in our neighboring roommates. Cash. That was the game. And for the first time ever I didn't lose every single game. In fact we gave everyone a run for their money!!! I finally figured out a good secret key password to signal we that we have cash. And of course if you dont know the game you have no idea what that means, but I will definitely be up for teaching anyone and everyone when I get home! Just ask.
I forgot to mention that when I lived here in England back when I was a wee-one (age 2-5) we lived about 45 minutes from Stratford. When we go back there in two weeks I think I will try and take a bus to where we lived. Maybe I'll have like a memory flashback if I visit.. but most likely it will just be a really cool experience. By the way, I have the option to go to Ireland or Germany.. but not both.. So which should I go to?? Both will be roughly around the same price I think.. so that can't factor into your decision. But let me know you're thoughts!!! I'm all ears.
Now, today started out really crappy. I was in probably one of the worst moods I have been in while I've been here. Seriously, almost everyone was driving me up the wall. It was ridiculous. Not to mention it was supposed to be hot and it turned out to be rather chilly.. so that just made me more bitter. And then I will randomly get these bitter and depressing thoughts that can just consume my emotions. It wasn't until the train ride home that I started to feel better. And the sad thing is.. I don't think anyone even noticed. Which either means I'm getting better at hiding my emotions.. or people are completely oblivious. A part of me is happy when no one sees how sad/upset I am because then I don't have to try and explain why (which in this case is just so complicated anyways). But then another part just gets more upset. Am I that invisible? Which is slightly ironic because it's not like you can ever miss me. I'm as big as life. Well almost.
And one more thing... Is it normal to be able to completely push thoughts/memories out of your mind to the point that you don't have to deal with the emotions that come along with them? Just a question.
Well that's all I have for today... I'll be going to church tomorrow and doing homework ALL day. lol. Wish me luck. Until Next Time. :D
BTW it is Megan Deboard's Birthday today!!! She is WONDERFUL and BEAUTIFUL. and I wish her the happiest of birthdays. Wish you could be here in London with me hun!!! Love you!!!
1 comment:
hi, ok first i want to say that it is normal (at least for me) to be able to push thoughts out of mind, but it is not healthy in the long run because they build up and then become like dames in neworleans waiting for a storm to come. And as for the being in moods, i had that too it's part of culture shock (which even if you don't think you're having i guaranty no matter how well you cope you're still getting stress from) that you have to deal with whatever normal emotional stress that comes with life magnified by strange surroundings. You will be ok you will survive things will get better (it just may take a long time).
Lastly on a happy note i loved Ireland. Germany is gorgeous and has better beer, but Ireland is so awesome. My suggestion for making the decision is this because i have great memories of both... Germany will feel more exotic but you will have to deal with a different language (whitch can be part of the fun), Ireland feels more like the UK just a lot prettier. You will be happy whichever you choose that probably didn't help make the decision, so i will say also look at events in the area that will go on, if you can go during octoberfest i would go to germany. but I still loved Ireland, lol have a great day/ time
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