Song of the day: The Dark I Know Well from Spring Awakening
I am going to bed. I went to the Globe to watch the Comedy of Errors. It was okay. They used the same actor for each twin, so instead of heaving two different actors playing the twin Antipholus's they were both played by one. It was very interesting, but overall I wasn't thoroughly impressed. In fact I think I liked my high school's production of the comedy of errors better than this one... and that's saying something considering I'm in London. But anyway, I'm off to bed because I pulled an all nighter last night and I'm exhausted. So have a great day. :D Until next time.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 29: Can I get an AMP here?? Pronto?
Song of the Day: Dream On covered by Kelly Sweet. Pretty much the most beautiful rendition you'll ever hear of this song. Got in on my ipod. Be jealous.
So I am blogging so early in the day because I know I won't have any time at all tonight.. because guess what?? I feel another all-nighter coming on. But it should be the last one... at least for a very long time.
I took my Intro to Theatre midterm today.. and I only missed one!!! So I got like a 98!!! Wooohoooo. That literally is about all I've done today... besides getting two of my 5 papers finished. Seriously, I have to write so much. Shoot me. Again, lame short tiny blog, but I can't really think about anything but homework at the moment, so I'll give you all the updated goodness tomorrow sometime maybe... depending if I don't pass out from exhaustion. Keep your fingers crossed. I wish they sold mountain dew here... it would make everything so much easier. Until next time. :D
So I am blogging so early in the day because I know I won't have any time at all tonight.. because guess what?? I feel another all-nighter coming on. But it should be the last one... at least for a very long time.
I took my Intro to Theatre midterm today.. and I only missed one!!! So I got like a 98!!! Wooohoooo. That literally is about all I've done today... besides getting two of my 5 papers finished. Seriously, I have to write so much. Shoot me. Again, lame short tiny blog, but I can't really think about anything but homework at the moment, so I'll give you all the updated goodness tomorrow sometime maybe... depending if I don't pass out from exhaustion. Keep your fingers crossed. I wish they sold mountain dew here... it would make everything so much easier. Until next time. :D
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Day 28: But I am Le Tired
No song of the day, because I listened to no music at all today. Shocking I know.
And I would just like to point out my absolute dedication to this blog... because I was warmly tucked in my bed when I remembered that I hadn't blogged yet today.. so I got up and here I am. To let you know that my day was actually boring. I went to church, ate lunch, watched Shakespeare in Love (because I had to for class... not because it was a luxury.. that doesnt exist for me atm), I finally posted all of my pictures up on facebook (Go look and comment if you are bored and have nothing else better to do.. or even if you do.. go check them out anyways), and then ate high tea, and finally did homework. And now I am going to bed. So even though this is yet again one of those blogs that is pretty un exciting.. at least I posted something!!! Oh and tomorrow is going to be poop. Just a forewarning. haha. until next time. :D
And I would just like to point out my absolute dedication to this blog... because I was warmly tucked in my bed when I remembered that I hadn't blogged yet today.. so I got up and here I am. To let you know that my day was actually boring. I went to church, ate lunch, watched Shakespeare in Love (because I had to for class... not because it was a luxury.. that doesnt exist for me atm), I finally posted all of my pictures up on facebook (Go look and comment if you are bored and have nothing else better to do.. or even if you do.. go check them out anyways), and then ate high tea, and finally did homework. And now I am going to bed. So even though this is yet again one of those blogs that is pretty un exciting.. at least I posted something!!! Oh and tomorrow is going to be poop. Just a forewarning. haha. until next time. :D
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day 27: One Magical Day, Literally.
Song of the Day: Quitter by Carrie Underwood!!!! Air guitar anyone???
As much as I want to jump in my bed right now and go to sleep, I think I said I would explain what happened yesterday... today.. so.. here I go. Hold onto your hats, or if you dont have a hat any other accessory will work.
Yesterday: Canterbury Day!!!! Yee Haw. I don't know why I yee hawed... it's not anywhere near country-like. We did take the train to get there though. It was a lovely train ride full of homework and productive choices... haha. just kidding.. we played cards. So we arrive in Canterbury and head straight for a little tea house! We had tea together for the first time since being here in London. With scones and cakes and tea sandwiches, also known as teeny weeny sandwiches (Winning London reference hehe). It was absolutely
scrumptious. From there we headed to Christ's Church Cathedral in the heart of the city/town. It was gorgeous, as the picture proves. We went on a little audio tour, and it was interesting to hear all about the history and facts of the cathedral. I absolutely love churches and whenever I'm in a cathedral like this one I just wanted to stand in the middle and sing out loud and proud. Alas I think I would have been kicked out, but it did cross my mind. After that we were given this tour of Canterbury... only.. it was probably one of the worst tours I've ever been on. Not because the guy was full of bad info.. no.. he was full of interesting facts and tid bits, but the problem was that he would kind of just go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Oh and that he would talk about things that Carl had already mentioned in class. For an hour and a half we listened to him talk... and I think around the 45 minute mark at least half of us had stopped paying attention all together. He was nice... just boring. :( and he definitely ate into our free time because we we're supposed to have an hour but we ended up only having maybe 30 min. I forgot to mention that this entire time I've had to go potty. So by the end of the tour I decided I could hold it for 30 more minutes until were on the train. Aimelle, Jill, Jess, and I decide to go find the shops we noticed during our tour really quickly. Long story short we separate, and then find each other right as I decide I can not possibly hold it any longer and go off to find a toilet (they do not call them restrooms here.. I forgot and accidentally asked that and they looked at me like I was literally insane). By the time we were all finished (because in normal fashion all of us girls had to go at the same time) we had maybe 12 minutes to get to the train station, which will be fine because it only takes 10 minutes at a nice walking pace.
We head out of the store and look around only to realize we had absolutely no idea where we were. We probably paced up and down the street for at least a minute trying to decide which direction to go. I ended up asking a guy selling boat tours where the down town area was. Then Jessica, worried that we wont make it, rushes off with Jill hot on her heals. Aimelle and I take a little longer because we take out a map and try to formulate a plan as we're briskly walking. Jill and Jess disappear while we continue to try and figure out where in the heck we are. And I will pause to note two things: 1) walking and trying to read a map at the same time is nearly impossible 2) they do not believe in street signs here in England... no no. if there is a sign at all it is placed in a random section on the side of the corner building.. and never ever in the same place twice. Eventually Aimelle and I make it to the brick wall that surrounds the city and which leads directly to the train station. At this point I think we had about 4 minutes. A few seconds later Jill and Jessica run up from behind us. Yes, I did say they had ran ahead of us before.. but somehow they got lost.. again. Jill stops running and walks at our pace, while Jess continues to run. And in my head I was thinking, there is no way I can run anymore. (Aimelle and I ran a good 200 meters to the walls edge) But every once in awhile the three of us would run for a bit and the slow down to a quick paced walk. In my head the whole time I was thinking: there is no way they told us to meet at 430 meaning that the train was actually leaving at 430. Like they had to have given us some leeway time. And the second thought was, the ticket is open ended so if we do in fact miss it we can just catch the next one, and while we wait we
can go back and take pictures on the cool maze playground. At last we reach the bridge to cross over to the train station. It was probably one minute passed four by this time so we booked it over the bridge (like literally ran) and crashed into the station. It was then that I realized, again, two things: 1) the train is still here. thank God. 2) the train is not on our side. The train is on the other side. How do we get to the other side!?!?! Jump???? And that is when the final call for boarding sounded. Aimelle noticed the stairs first and started heading towards them. There was this larger group of people taking up the entire staircase as they walked up it, and Aimelle literally got to the edge of the stairs and growled 'move' and the people parted like the red sea. After that I don't remember much. I don't think I have ever taken a flight of stairs, both down and up, so quickly. (Later Carl said that he literally walked from one side of the train to the other before we appeared in front of him from the stairs) And then all three of us jumped onto the train where Carl was standing and the doors closed right behind us. Needless to say we all about collapsed in our seats. But hey, we made it.
Later that night we went to Southwark Theatre to watch a production of Fuente Ovejuna by Lope De Vega. It was another Fringe performance, like the Hamlet one I mentioned awhile back. And yet again, it was bloody brilliant. As we entered the theatre there was a live band playing with people dancing (the actors to be more specific). We took our seats and watched awkwardly as people danced in front of us (it was like 50's music.. something that would have been on Grease). The show itself was absolutely epic. They warned us it would be a very audience interactive show. In fact I got to recite a few lines from the script, begging the queen and king to fix our towns problems. The man who gave me the script corrected my accent when I said the word master... so I ended up having to switch it to Maahhhstehr. It was funny and I loved it. The intermission was spent celebrating with the actors about the wedding ceremony that had just taken place. We got air guitars and party hats. And of course all the Americans started dancing and just having a high ole good time. The second act was much more heated. And so youre not completely confused, pretty much the premise of the plot was this evil overlord kept taking advantage of the village he was supposed to be protecting and taking care of. He pretty much raped all of the women, and let his men do the same. So with a passionate monologue the main actress gave this riveting speech to the audience and her fellow actors to gather up in arms and give justice to this evil man (who had disrupted the wedding, arrested her new found husband-condemning him to death, and raped her). and then they led us all into the back room where the evil overlord had her husband by the neck, but we were all handed water balloons and when the signal was given we launched them at him with no mercy. It was so moving. Even though this was just a play, they were just actors, we were just an audience, and we only had water balloons... I felt a metaphoric justice had been served. And then after the performance had ended the band came back on and we literally danced until the band stopped playing. It was at least an hour. We started a conga line, and a soul train line, and just boogied down. It was the best day I have had so far.
And finally I can talk about today. Which was not as epic as yesterday, however... it did have it's HUGE good parts. Including, going to a toy store that sold Harry Potter memorabilia. And in case you didn't already
think I was a nerd, this will prove it to you. I think I squealed when I saw all the wands on display. And the firebolt, and timeturner, and the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Aimelle bought Hermione's wand for her sister-in-law, and let us play with it randomly when we got back to Lee Abbey. We started throwing spells at random objects. It was funny because I'd forget what a certain spell did, like Impedimenta for instance, and point it at Jill and say it. Only to be told.. I had just blown her up. figuratively of course. It was so much fun. And to prove it.. more photos!!!! My goal is to eventually upload all of my pictures up on Facebook... but between keeping up with this blog, my journal, and homework I haven't been able to find the time just yet. But I will. So I hope you enjoyed this extremely long blog! Until Next time. :D
Friday, August 27, 2010
Day 26: Canterbusy
Song of the Day: Break Your Heart by Taio Cruz. Makes you want to dance.
Okay, so I know I said I'd tell all about my adventure to, in, and from Canterbury but alas I'm exhausted... I seriously did SOOOO-ooooooooooo-OOOOOOOOOO much today. So this is my promise.. I will give you all the fun and juicy details tomorrow. Because the details are definitely both fun and juicy to the extreme. And now you're just going to have to wait to hear about them! (sorry bout that) So sometime when I'm not pouring over my homework and projects tomorrow I will get on here and update. I'll make sure you get visual aids as well. It's the least I can do for postponing such a grand blog entry. So until next time :D
Okay, so I know I said I'd tell all about my adventure to, in, and from Canterbury but alas I'm exhausted... I seriously did SOOOO-ooooooooooo-OOOOOOOOOO much today. So this is my promise.. I will give you all the fun and juicy details tomorrow. Because the details are definitely both fun and juicy to the extreme. And now you're just going to have to wait to hear about them! (sorry bout that) So sometime when I'm not pouring over my homework and projects tomorrow I will get on here and update. I'll make sure you get visual aids as well. It's the least I can do for postponing such a grand blog entry. So until next time :D
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 25: Raindrops keep falling on my head
Song of the Day: Mad World covered by Adam Lambert. If you haven't heard this version.. well.. I'll just tell you straight out.. it is beautiful. I think I just listened to it about six times in a row... and I never do that. I'm kind of bummed I didn't watch that season of American Idol when it was Adam Lambert and that other guy.. the one who ended up winning. haha. irony.
Today we went back to the Globe to get a tour and visit the exhibition center. Again, the Globe is simply amazing. The tour 'guy'de (haha see what I did there? clever right?) was really funny. I feel like our group has lucked out with tour guides because none of them have sucked. It's nice. Only bummy part was that at the exhibition we were supposed to take notes and answer questions for an assignment, and I think that takes away from the overall experience of what you're supposed to be experiencing. But maybe that's just me. On the bright side I bought my first souvenir type thing today!!! It is a silver replica of the ring they found in the excavation site of the 'Rose' theatre, which was another of the most popular theatre's in London back in the Elizabethan age. So it is called the Rose ring, and the inscription, which is in old french, on it means: Think of me, God willing. I LOVE it. And only 14 pounds too. Which is a little over 20 dollars, and I've paid that much for a ring before... so I felt absolutely no guilt. :D especially since I lost my alice ring that I bought at disneyland... I am still so saddened by this. I mean it was definitely one of my favorite rings of all time.. and somehow it disappeared. Like I didn't take it off while at a restaurant and forget to put it back on or something... and I didn't put it in a purse and forget.. nope.. one day I had it and the next day I didn't. All be it, it was right around the time I moved out of the dorms last semester, and I remember putting it in my green basket.. but when I got out my green basket at home.. well.. it was gone. :( Anyway, it rained today.
And because of the rain the outdoor theatre canceled its production that we were going to see, so we headed back and I've been relaxing ever since. So you can tell I was really bummed... hahaha. But relaxing has made me tired and I'm debating on whether or not I should go to bed early today. I would like to point out at this moment that it is before midnight. I am actually writing a blog at a decent hour. I think I deserve mad props for this. But I guess I'll decide about the going to bed early thing soon enough. Tomorrow we go to Canterbury!!! It's called Chaucer day!!! And I am soooo excited. I don't know what the weather will be like, but hopefully it's nice. I'll make sure to give you all the juicy details. hahah juicy... like London is a fruit or something.
Until next time. :D
Today we went back to the Globe to get a tour and visit the exhibition center. Again, the Globe is simply amazing. The tour 'guy'de (haha see what I did there? clever right?) was really funny. I feel like our group has lucked out with tour guides because none of them have sucked. It's nice. Only bummy part was that at the exhibition we were supposed to take notes and answer questions for an assignment, and I think that takes away from the overall experience of what you're supposed to be experiencing. But maybe that's just me. On the bright side I bought my first souvenir type thing today!!! It is a silver replica of the ring they found in the excavation site of the 'Rose' theatre, which was another of the most popular theatre's in London back in the Elizabethan age. So it is called the Rose ring, and the inscription, which is in old french, on it means: Think of me, God willing. I LOVE it. And only 14 pounds too. Which is a little over 20 dollars, and I've paid that much for a ring before... so I felt absolutely no guilt. :D especially since I lost my alice ring that I bought at disneyland... I am still so saddened by this. I mean it was definitely one of my favorite rings of all time.. and somehow it disappeared. Like I didn't take it off while at a restaurant and forget to put it back on or something... and I didn't put it in a purse and forget.. nope.. one day I had it and the next day I didn't. All be it, it was right around the time I moved out of the dorms last semester, and I remember putting it in my green basket.. but when I got out my green basket at home.. well.. it was gone. :( Anyway, it rained today.
And because of the rain the outdoor theatre canceled its production that we were going to see, so we headed back and I've been relaxing ever since. So you can tell I was really bummed... hahaha. But relaxing has made me tired and I'm debating on whether or not I should go to bed early today. I would like to point out at this moment that it is before midnight. I am actually writing a blog at a decent hour. I think I deserve mad props for this. But I guess I'll decide about the going to bed early thing soon enough. Tomorrow we go to Canterbury!!! It's called Chaucer day!!! And I am soooo excited. I don't know what the weather will be like, but hopefully it's nice. I'll make sure to give you all the juicy details. hahah juicy... like London is a fruit or something.
Until next time. :D
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Day 24: Crawl into the Fetal Position and maybe cry
Song of the Day: Mercy by Duffy. First time I ever heard this song was on So You Think You Can Dance? And it was one epic dance number that is still one of my favorites to this day, and it was three or four years ago.
I promised some babble about the Globe, so here we go. It was amazing. We saw Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor, which is not one of his more popular plays..
but don't know why.. because after reading it, taking a quiz on it, and finally seeing it... I actually love it alot. Not as much as Much Ado or Midsummer, but it's way good. Anyway, in the globe you can either sit in the chairs in the back covered area... or you can stand in the yard (people who do this are called groundlings), and if you get there early enough you can be one of the people that stand right in front of the stage. Guess who was there early enough!!!!! Sure standing for two hours isn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was beyond worth it. We got to put our chins on the edge of the stage and watch in rapt attention. Yes, we took pictures. Then the Globe itself which is an exact replica of the Globe that was built back in the 1700's was amazingly beautiful. The show and the theatre and just everything that night o
nly re-emphasized why I am doing what I'm doing with being a Theatre major. Although nothing is set in stone and ultimately I don't know where in the world I'll get a job, as long as I'm involved in the theatre I think I'll be happy.
Speaking of theatre, there are two other theatre majors on this trip with me. Jill and Aimelle. As much as I wish the rest of them were here with us, alas they are not, but the three of us are making the best out of every
situation.. either that or were venting and gossiping with eachother. haha. So on the way back from the globe the three of us took the route that let us walk over the millennium bridge, the one in harry Potter 5... I already mentioned it in an early blog.. But it was just as amazing as the first time. Then on the tube ride back we had a photo session.. in which we had more fun than normal tubers have I think. And for proof here are the
photos. Hellooooo... pure awesomeness.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for the week!!! and then I have an unimaginable amount of homework!!! yayyyy... not. We do get to see two more plays this week, one being Fuente Ovejuna. We read about it in LIT 202 last year and I'm excited I actually get to it performed, apparently people don't put it on.. so I am excited about that. What I'm not excited about is that because each of these performances are right during our dinner time we miss dinner and instead get these sack lunches that are less than appealing. Don't get me wrong.. they're not pure crap. we get yummy chips, a fruit, and a juice box... but the sandwich which are the essence of any sack lunch are less than appetizing. They put cucumbers on them. ew. There's more I dislike but you don't need me to go on about how to make a horribly awful sandwich.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for the week!!! and then I have an unimaginable amount of homework!!! yayyyy... not. We do get to see two more plays this week, one being Fuente Ovejuna. We read about it in LIT 202 last year and I'm excited I actually get to it performed, apparently people don't put it on.. so I am excited about that. What I'm not excited about is that because each of these performances are right during our dinner time we miss dinner and instead get these sack lunches that are less than appealing. Don't get me wrong.. they're not pure crap. we get yummy chips, a fruit, and a juice box... but the sandwich which are the essence of any sack lunch are less than appetizing. They put cucumbers on them. ew. There's more I dislike but you don't need me to go on about how to make a horribly awful sandwich.
My mom got back from her vacation in Cancun.. technically it was some other sunny place in Mexico but I don't remember the name of so Cancun will do.. and I am thrilled. I'm glad she had fun, because she so deserved it, but I'm happy she is back because I missed talking to her. I miss talking to alot of people in general. So if I haven't heard from you in awhile, I'm talking to you! Well, I have to go... finish homework and then get to bed. Sleep Deprived should have been my middle name... that or number 1 procrastinator. It's a toss up to be sure.
Until next time. :D
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 23: 48 hours without sleeeeeeep
So I lied... I said I would get on here and explain all the goings on over the last two days.. but since I still have had zero amount of sleep ... I just can't do it. In fact if I did I would probably begin to talk about something completely incoherent that ultimately has nothing to do with anything at all. I would give you a song of the day, but my ipod is too far away. Oh I got it, how about Keep the Candle Burning by Point of Grace. Its definitely an oldie that came out back when I lived in Texas for crying out loud, but its sooooo great. My roommates and I sung it all together the other night in obnoxiously loud voices. On a side note I would like to give a little shout out to my Mom and Megan Hirst and Cynthia who I know read my blog all the time!!! Glad to keep you entertained.. also my grandparents... I think they may read my ongoing opinions and happenings too. So yay! You all put a smile on my face. Okay, so enough yammering.. I'm getting some shut eye!!! I'm sooooo excited!!!!! But seriously, I'll really update you with everything tomorrow. And maybe even through some pictures in for good measure. So until then... :D
Monday, August 23, 2010
Day 22: As the Sun rises
I didn't forget to blog... I just never went to bed. In which case.. I don't have time to really blog because I am still working on Homework.. yes the homework I was supposed to get done this weekend. I know I know. So I'll be giving you a full update later today... because the Globe theatre was absolutely amazing and needs a good paragraph or two for me to ramble on about the greatness that is Shakespeare... so no worries.. You'll just have to wait a little longer. Thought it's not like anyone is anticipating my blog updates that much anyway... So until next time.. which will be later on today.. haha. Tata.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 21: Church Bells Toll
Song of the Day: Welcome Home by Coheed & Cambria. Epic song. In fact I think I may have already used it as a song of the day ... but its just been one of those days so I'm using it again!
Went to church at St. Barneys. The sermon was excellent. I'm really glad I went back. Then one of the regular attendees invited us over for lunch. It was very nice of him and his wife to have us over. The food was excellent and for the most part we had a pretty lovely time. For the most part. Until the end... but no need to go into depressing detail on here. And then I came back to reality and got started on homework. Something I should have started 5 days ago. But alas London does not help my procrastination habits anymore than San Diego does. Whelp, school tomorrow.. again. Not so excited.. but I'll get over it. I think I'm just tired. But then again, when am I not tired?? It's a pretty good question if you ask me.
I would like to wish everyone who is starting school tomorrow (especially my brother because it will be his first day of COLLEGE!!!!) a very happy day indeed. Hopefully all your classes will be interesting and you won't want to throw your books or even your chair or lets just say any random object at your professor.
I know it's another short entry (I think I'm getting pretty good at them.. not rambling on for ages) but I'm sure you'll get another long one eventually, don't you fret. Well have a fabulous day, and you'll be finding out how my first show at the Globe theatre goes tomorrow. Im so excited!!! Yippee!!! Until next time. ;)
Went to church at St. Barneys. The sermon was excellent. I'm really glad I went back. Then one of the regular attendees invited us over for lunch. It was very nice of him and his wife to have us over. The food was excellent and for the most part we had a pretty lovely time. For the most part. Until the end... but no need to go into depressing detail on here. And then I came back to reality and got started on homework. Something I should have started 5 days ago. But alas London does not help my procrastination habits anymore than San Diego does. Whelp, school tomorrow.. again. Not so excited.. but I'll get over it. I think I'm just tired. But then again, when am I not tired?? It's a pretty good question if you ask me.
I would like to wish everyone who is starting school tomorrow (especially my brother because it will be his first day of COLLEGE!!!!) a very happy day indeed. Hopefully all your classes will be interesting and you won't want to throw your books or even your chair or lets just say any random object at your professor.
I know it's another short entry (I think I'm getting pretty good at them.. not rambling on for ages) but I'm sure you'll get another long one eventually, don't you fret. Well have a fabulous day, and you'll be finding out how my first show at the Globe theatre goes tomorrow. Im so excited!!! Yippee!!! Until next time. ;)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Day 20: Baroque this.
Song of the Day: Dancing Through Life from Wicked. My roommate and I were having a discussion involving wicked and well, now it's stuck in my head.. so maybe now it'll get stuck in yours too. mauahahaha.
Not going to babble too much today, because I am le tired. But I just want to say that today has probably been the first day I am truly people-sick. Which is kind of like home-sick but well.. I really only miss people. Are you following me? I know I mentioned hugging my mom and brother the other blog or so ago, but I really really miss them. And I shouldn't because when I lived at PointLoma I was just fine. I mean I missed them, but I wasn't about to tear up over it. Where as now I definitely feel like crying a little bit. So just a heads up for all you out there who are not with me... (and unfortunately that's pretty much all of you) I miss you. And hope you're getting along well without me around, even though I'm obviously not doing that good of a job without you. I shall try to immerse myself in culture and homework. The homework part won't be too hard.. I'm already drowning in it. Just know that if I'm on my computer I'm on skype, and you should message me. :D
On a brighter note, I went to a Baroque concert tonight at St. Martins-In-The-Field Cathedral. It was beyond words so I'm not going to even try and attempt to describe it. Just know it was amazing.
So that's all for today. Tomorrow is church, and I'm actually excited to go!!! So until Next time. :D
Not going to babble too much today, because I am le tired. But I just want to say that today has probably been the first day I am truly people-sick. Which is kind of like home-sick but well.. I really only miss people. Are you following me? I know I mentioned hugging my mom and brother the other blog or so ago, but I really really miss them. And I shouldn't because when I lived at PointLoma I was just fine. I mean I missed them, but I wasn't about to tear up over it. Where as now I definitely feel like crying a little bit. So just a heads up for all you out there who are not with me... (and unfortunately that's pretty much all of you) I miss you. And hope you're getting along well without me around, even though I'm obviously not doing that good of a job without you. I shall try to immerse myself in culture and homework. The homework part won't be too hard.. I'm already drowning in it. Just know that if I'm on my computer I'm on skype, and you should message me. :D
On a brighter note, I went to a Baroque concert tonight at St. Martins-In-The-Field Cathedral. It was beyond words so I'm not going to even try and attempt to describe it. Just know it was amazing.
So that's all for today. Tomorrow is church, and I'm actually excited to go!!! So until Next time. :D
Friday, August 20, 2010
Day 19: I'm asking Santa for a Scepter
Song of the Day: Love Story by Taylor Swift. I just feel like a princess when I listen to this song. Not to mention it has a reference to Shakespeare. Hello. My kind of song.
I was thinking as I was walking around the tower that the current Queen Elizabeth was crowned at age 25. I will be 25 in 3 years. I can't even fathom running a country at that age. It made me swell with immense respect and pride for their Queen. A shout out for girl power everywhere.
My visit to the Tower was part of a homework assignment, so I did do homework today. Just not alot. Because instead of doing homework when I got back I ended up playing games with most of the people in our group. First we played Uno three times... Two of which I kicked butt. Muahaha. and then later we played Sardines, which is like the opposite of hide and go seek. One person hides, and everyone else has to find them. And when they find them, they hide with them. And depending on where they're located it can get to the point where you feel like you're a sardine, which is where the name of the game comes from! :D Anyway, I definitely did not win at that game.. ever. But it was fun. And now I am going to hop in bed and get some shut eye. Because tomorrow I am doing real homwork. No matter what. Until next time!
My visit to the Tower was part of a homework assignment, so I did do homework today. Just not alot. Because instead of doing homework when I got back I ended up playing games with most of the people in our group. First we played Uno three times... Two of which I kicked butt. Muahaha. and then later we played Sardines, which is like the opposite of hide and go seek. One person hides, and everyone else has to find them. And when they find them, they hide with them. And depending on where they're located it can get to the point where you feel like you're a sardine, which is where the name of the game comes from! :D Anyway, I definitely did not win at that game.. ever. But it was fun. And now I am going to hop in bed and get some shut eye. Because tomorrow I am doing real homwork. No matter what. Until next time!
PS sometimes my computer makes me want to toss it off the side of the building.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 18: Cash and BS
Song of the Day: the theme from Star Wars. You know the song. I don't know who wrote it.. but I was humming it while we were playing cards today.. and it made my life!!! well not really because we lost multiple times, but it certainly made the game more interesting.
Tomorrow starts the first official day of the weekend.. and you want to know what I'll be doing?? HOMEWORK. SO excited. Simply thrilled. People want to go out and see the sites and visit places, but I truly need to stay in and work. And not pretend work where I'm actually on facebook or editing thousands of pictures to make them look antique or florescent, but real work.. that actually can turn in for a grade. If I don't do this I will have no hair by the end of next week because I will have pulled it all out.
I finally did my laundry!!! I finally have clean clothes!!! which are the result of doing laundry!!! Yay!!!
We played card games to night, a small group of us. First it was Egyptian something (the something isn't the actual title.. but a replacement for the word I cannot remember). Then I learned a new game called Scum. Probably the best game of the night because I won 3 times in a row earning the coveted title of El Presidente. Then we played BS and this new game called Cash. Which was a hoot let me tell you. Hopefully I'll remember all these games when I get back to the states so we can play them over and over again. Maybe we'll even get to play tomorrow!!! when I'm not doing my homework of course... ha ha.
I'm off to sleep. Maybe some day I'll make a blog earlier than 2 am in the morning. It's a good goal to be sure. Until next time! :D
Tomorrow starts the first official day of the weekend.. and you want to know what I'll be doing?? HOMEWORK. SO excited. Simply thrilled. People want to go out and see the sites and visit places, but I truly need to stay in and work. And not pretend work where I'm actually on facebook or editing thousands of pictures to make them look antique or florescent, but real work.. that actually can turn in for a grade. If I don't do this I will have no hair by the end of next week because I will have pulled it all out.
I finally did my laundry!!! I finally have clean clothes!!! which are the result of doing laundry!!! Yay!!!
We played card games to night, a small group of us. First it was Egyptian something (the something isn't the actual title.. but a replacement for the word I cannot remember). Then I learned a new game called Scum. Probably the best game of the night because I won 3 times in a row earning the coveted title of El Presidente. Then we played BS and this new game called Cash. Which was a hoot let me tell you. Hopefully I'll remember all these games when I get back to the states so we can play them over and over again. Maybe we'll even get to play tomorrow!!! when I'm not doing my homework of course... ha ha.
I'm off to sleep. Maybe some day I'll make a blog earlier than 2 am in the morning. It's a good goal to be sure. Until next time! :D
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 17: Tempestuous
Song of the Day: Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) by Mika. It's a pretty catchy song. And totally puts a smile on my face because it's for chunky girls everywhere.. or as the song puts it- big girls. Being chubby isn't exactly ideal in this society, and by this society I am talking about my American one.. I'm not entirely sure how the British feel about girls like me.. but anyway, like the song says... I'm beautiful. Doesn't matter where I am. Then again.. this song didn't see what I looked like when I woke up this morning.. ha. ha.
So tonight we went and saw the Tempest. One of my least favorite Shakespeare plays I've seen. I thought maybe because we were in London it would magically get better.. It didn't. It was long and boring. The set design was the best part. And the acting wasn't bad or anything.. I just don't like the plot. Saying that, I did get kind of emotional at the end when the main character Prospero forgives his horrible brother that tried to kill him. Because it takes some amazing grace and mercy to forgive something like that... and yet God does it any time we ask for it. It's something so amazing that I'll never be able to understand. But I am thankful none-the-less. Beyond thankful really, because like everyone else... I am completely human.. and completely suck sometimes.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for this week. Yee freaking Haw. Not that I'll have a break this weekend.. I'll actually be spending the entire time doing projects and homework. Serves me right for not doing anything over the summer (well doing anything that was directly related to these classes I mean). Oh and just a note, still haven't done that laundry I went on about the other day.. so I still have to do that too. haha. I should just make a list.. that way when something gets done I can at least have the satisfaction of checking it off.
My mom is leaving for a week long vacation today... in fact she left like 10 hours or so ago. Which means I wont talk to her all week. Which is weird. Yesterday I got really emotional over talking to my mom and brother. They didn't know it of course, but for some reason I just really missed them more than usual. I think I miss the hugs the most. First of all my brother gives the best hugs ever... it should be on your bucket list... to get hugged by my brother. And secondly I love using my moms arm as a pillow. I know that may sound odd, but its so soft and I can hold her while I rest. I miss them soo much. I miss my dad too of course but I haven't talked to him in awhile so its easier to not remember why I miss him so much when he's busy. Ultimately my point is I wish I had a teleportation device.. or the magical ability to teleport. It would be the absolute best power... ever.
Anyway, need sleep... because I have class bright and early! So until next time. :D
So tonight we went and saw the Tempest. One of my least favorite Shakespeare plays I've seen. I thought maybe because we were in London it would magically get better.. It didn't. It was long and boring. The set design was the best part. And the acting wasn't bad or anything.. I just don't like the plot. Saying that, I did get kind of emotional at the end when the main character Prospero forgives his horrible brother that tried to kill him. Because it takes some amazing grace and mercy to forgive something like that... and yet God does it any time we ask for it. It's something so amazing that I'll never be able to understand. But I am thankful none-the-less. Beyond thankful really, because like everyone else... I am completely human.. and completely suck sometimes.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for this week. Yee freaking Haw. Not that I'll have a break this weekend.. I'll actually be spending the entire time doing projects and homework. Serves me right for not doing anything over the summer (well doing anything that was directly related to these classes I mean). Oh and just a note, still haven't done that laundry I went on about the other day.. so I still have to do that too. haha. I should just make a list.. that way when something gets done I can at least have the satisfaction of checking it off.
My mom is leaving for a week long vacation today... in fact she left like 10 hours or so ago. Which means I wont talk to her all week. Which is weird. Yesterday I got really emotional over talking to my mom and brother. They didn't know it of course, but for some reason I just really missed them more than usual. I think I miss the hugs the most. First of all my brother gives the best hugs ever... it should be on your bucket list... to get hugged by my brother. And secondly I love using my moms arm as a pillow. I know that may sound odd, but its so soft and I can hold her while I rest. I miss them soo much. I miss my dad too of course but I haven't talked to him in awhile so its easier to not remember why I miss him so much when he's busy. Ultimately my point is I wish I had a teleportation device.. or the magical ability to teleport. It would be the absolute best power... ever.
Anyway, need sleep... because I have class bright and early! So until next time. :D
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Day 16: Time flies
No song of the day... Instead we get a TFLN (text from last night) which i used to post religiously until, well i just stopped. but this is a good one. :D
(603): Someone said we were out of ice. You collapsed on the spot and started sobbing, saying, "but where will all the polar bears live?" That drunk.
Funny right? Well everyone I told it to here certainly laughed so you will too... unless you don't get it or have a stick up your bum :p
But anyway, another short blog from me today because both of my roommates are already in bed and I still have to write in my journal. Which may or may not be due tomorrow. It's an at random thing.. not an I'm being irresponsible thing.
By the way, if I haven't talked to you in awhile please forgive me. My mind has literally been to mars and back again these last few days and hopefully tomorrow everything will be more calm.. but it is doubtful. I've needed to do laundry for three days now.. has it happened yet? nope.
But it will, because I won't wear dirty smelly clothes.. and no one wants me to walk around naked.. ever.. so the solution is to make time for laundry, which is SO expensive here by the way. I can't remember if I mentioned this before.. and if I have I apologize.. but it's THAT ridiculous. 3 pounds for a washer load. that is the equivalent to 5 dollars. just to wash.. not even dry. I think its 20 pence for every 7 minutes.. which for a normal load i guess would come out to about a single pound.. and that's $1.60. Its just so expensive. Some girls washed their clothes in the tub.. but WHEN DO I HAVE THE TIME TO DO THAT??? not to mention the patience.. but maybe that's what I'll end up doing when I run out of money from having to clean my clothes. haha.. so much for a super short blog.. hope you enjoyed my rant. Off to journal and then to sleep. until next time. :D
(603): Someone said we were out of ice. You collapsed on the spot and started sobbing, saying, "but where will all the polar bears live?" That drunk.
Funny right? Well everyone I told it to here certainly laughed so you will too... unless you don't get it or have a stick up your bum :p
But anyway, another short blog from me today because both of my roommates are already in bed and I still have to write in my journal. Which may or may not be due tomorrow. It's an at random thing.. not an I'm being irresponsible thing.
By the way, if I haven't talked to you in awhile please forgive me. My mind has literally been to mars and back again these last few days and hopefully tomorrow everything will be more calm.. but it is doubtful. I've needed to do laundry for three days now.. has it happened yet? nope.
But it will, because I won't wear dirty smelly clothes.. and no one wants me to walk around naked.. ever.. so the solution is to make time for laundry, which is SO expensive here by the way. I can't remember if I mentioned this before.. and if I have I apologize.. but it's THAT ridiculous. 3 pounds for a washer load. that is the equivalent to 5 dollars. just to wash.. not even dry. I think its 20 pence for every 7 minutes.. which for a normal load i guess would come out to about a single pound.. and that's $1.60. Its just so expensive. Some girls washed their clothes in the tub.. but WHEN DO I HAVE THE TIME TO DO THAT??? not to mention the patience.. but maybe that's what I'll end up doing when I run out of money from having to clean my clothes. haha.. so much for a super short blog.. hope you enjoyed my rant. Off to journal and then to sleep. until next time. :D
Monday, August 16, 2010
Day 15: Puppy Love
Song of the Day: One Day by Helen Jane Long. She is a composer that creates some of my favorite easy listening pieces. She only use piano and violin. They're all absolutely breathtaking. I listen to that kind of music when I am writing... and it helps the words just flow out of my brain on onto the computer screen/page.
First day of my senior year is officially over in thirty minutes!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! Classes weren't bad. In fact, being the studious person that I am I sat in on a class that I was not signed up for just for fun!! It was a writing class so I was being serious about the fun part, and I wanted to take it for real but I didn't have enough room in my credit line up this semester. So we'll see if he will let me audit the class and be a part of it without giving me a grade. You may be thinking, "but charity? Why do you want to spend all of your time in class?" and my response: they don't let us do anything else. lol. But seriously I'm excited for all my classes... except for maybe intro to theatre, because let's face it.. i should already know everything we're learning when it comes to technical terms and such. But other than that I'm stoked. woot.
Now, again, I don't have much to day because nothing big happened, that I am allowed to talk about here on a public blog. haha. I did my homework!! Or at least most of it. Were having a quiz on Merry Wives of Windsor.. and I think I'm ready! I also read Beowulf.. and it was totally interesting, so I'm excited to discuss that tomorrow. Yay for homework. Pray for me.
Also, my nails are still growing.. I haven't bitten them yet.. but since school has begun I find it increasingly harder to not chomp down on them... It really is a nervous habit. I chew the crap out of my pen caps.. which I know isn't a very polite habit.. but Gum doesn't do anything for me.. and I'd rather not chew my nails anymore. If anyone has any helpful suggestions.. I'm all ears!! :D
Until next time, I shall leave you with this thought:
Until next time, I shall leave you with this thought:
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Song of the Day: Wanna Be by the Spice Girls, only because Jill and I made a video on Megan's facebook wall. It was grand
Now I don't have a lot to say today.. besides I enjoyed church, enjoyed a butter cream strawberry jam scone.. which was as delicious as it sounds, and did some homework!!! Because school is tomorrow!!! YEEEHAWWWW.
And mainly.. this blog is so short because we had over 4 bees in our room and weve been trying to get rid of them now for a half an hour.. Jessica got a picture of jill and i huddled under pillows and towels.. youll probably see it soon. Well I am off to bed.. despite the fact there is at least still one bee unaccounted for.. ill let you know tomorrow if I wake up with a huge swollen body part.. so until next time. :D
Now I don't have a lot to say today.. besides I enjoyed church, enjoyed a butter cream strawberry jam scone.. which was as delicious as it sounds, and did some homework!!! Because school is tomorrow!!! YEEEHAWWWW.
And mainly.. this blog is so short because we had over 4 bees in our room and weve been trying to get rid of them now for a half an hour.. Jessica got a picture of jill and i huddled under pillows and towels.. youll probably see it soon. Well I am off to bed.. despite the fact there is at least still one bee unaccounted for.. ill let you know tomorrow if I wake up with a huge swollen body part.. so until next time. :D
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Day 13: The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth
Song of the Day: Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri. The first time I heard this song was on So You Think You Can Dance, and surprisingly enough the best dances make me yearn for those particular songs to help me always remember them. I have quite a few that jog my memory, including this one. But beyond the fact it was on one of the best television shows ever, it really is simply beautiful to listen to. Heartbreakingly beautiful, because it's all about heart break and what not. So good.
Today way full of pure awesomeness. First we headed off to Parliament bright and early. I thought it was going to be lame and rather boring.
Boy was I wrong. First of all I got to see Big Ben!!! Peter Pan anyone??? Well it was awesome, and luckily we got this wicked tour guide who looked like he belonged to a really cool rock group back in the 70's. He was so funny and interesting... I couldn't take notes fast enough. It was interesting to find out how different their government is than America's. Not that I'm the all knowing sage when it comes to government but it was neat to compare what I did know. And the very best thing was realizing I was standing in the House of Commerce where William Wilberforce brought about the end of slavery in England. (the original house burned down in WW2, so it was a remodel.. but an exact replication according to Winston Churchill's orders) It felt simply amazing.
Today way full of pure awesomeness. First we headed off to Parliament bright and early. I thought it was going to be lame and rather boring.
Later on my roommates and I went to the nearest public library and got our library cards because we get points for having them on the first day of class. Yay for easy points. I got a really cool card with books on it too. I felt very special indeed.
And finally we were off to see my favorite Shakespeare play of all time, A Mid-Summer Night's Dream. It was located in Enfield park which is literally the last stop on the Picadilly Line (one of the underground tube lines). So there are 23 of us total squeezing onto the already semi-full tube. We had 17 stops to go before our destination. For about 13 of those stops we were jammed together like a pack of sardines. It was hot and ridiculous. But an experience none the less.
We finally get to Enfield where it is raining... shocker right? but the play is outside so we had to keep our umbrellas up for a bit.. But luckily once the show really started it never started raining again. However, I will note that just because it stopped raining doesnt mean the ground was suddenly dry. Oh no.. the ground was wet and muddy, and by the end of the show my pants were as well. 
I also forgot to mention that this is a Promenade theatre, meaning we, the audience, move to different places during the play. Well we literally moved around the entirety of the HUGE park. I think we walked at least a mile if not two. But I'm not saying this in a complaining type manner.. no no.. it was absolutely WOW. It just edified why I love this particular play so much. The acting was phenomenal. I was able to take a few pictures which you see here. The first two are of the fairies. This particular fairy was Puck, and disappeared when called on by Oberon. Puck was probably the only character I had issue with, because after Stanley Tucci's
rendition in the movie I saw Puck as a wise but slightly foolish servant.. where as here the girl played him very Gollum like. The final monologue was brilliant though I will admit (and if you dont know what I am talking about then shame on you.. go out and read A Mid-summer night's dream right now. You can get it online free at or just rent the movie) The next photos are of Helena pursuing Demetrius into the woods, but he is trying to stop her by tying her to a tree... didn't work though. And finally the last picture is the final scene when Puck puts
the lovers to sleep and fixes his mistake.
On top of all that wonderfulness, there was the audience interaction. Three times they picked on me. First Flute (the man who was, reluctantly, to play Thisby, the girl, in the play for the Dukes wedding.. he was so freaking hilarious) chose me to dance. He just came up to me grabbed my hand and we ran around a tree while they all sang. Then in the woods Puck froze time, and stole a dress and plopped it right on top of my head. And finally Bottom mistook me for one of the characters in the play. I felt truly honored by the end. This experience only validates my career choice. I couldn't be happier doing and being apart of anything else.
I seriously don't know how these upcoming shows are going to top these last two. I'm stunned.
Well tomorrow is much less exciting, but filled with a new church and both chocolate croissants and jelly filled doughnuts!!! Both of which are heavenly. Until next time! ^_^
Friday, August 13, 2010
Day 12: Polka dotted rainboots
Song of the Day: Welcome Home by Coheed & Cambria. It was actually the theme for the movie 9, which I never even saw. But this song was on all of the trailers and I fell in love with it. The intro is the best part by far, but the rest of the song is pretty awesome too. Go listen to it!!! :D
I woke up today thinking it was going to be pretty boring. I didn't have anything planned and we were going to this small Hamlet show tonight. So I went down to breakfast where I was reminded that I had made plans to go to the Science museum today! Luckily I woke up early today right? So I was off to the science museum with Aimelle, Jill, and Jess. I had fun. It wasn't as fun as I expected it to be... not that it was lame at all, but the last science museum I went to was probably the coolest museum ever in existence (It's in Anaheim CA.. the one with the big black cube right off the 5 as it turns into the 57).. so it had alot to be compared to. But I still had fun and took a few great pictures, none of which you will see today because I am way too tired to upload them and edit them and then load them on here. Way too long of a process... but maybe another day.. youll get a few fun sciencey type pictures at random.
So because I bought those two short sleeved shirts yesterday the weather has now dropped and it is both cold and rainy. Well its actually not that cold, but definitely very rainy. I just find it funny. But anyway, I came back and took a nap. I didn't want to; I tried to get some things accomplished.. but I ended up just falling asleep instead.
After that is when we headed off to this Hamlet. It was located in this tiny theatre above a pub. It was called Hamlet House of Horrors. It was my first experience with Fringe theatre. I dont have words to explain how amazing it was. I'm a huge fan of Hamlet and this was simple fantastic. My favorite show so far by far. I personally think Wally should think of changing Much Ado About Nothing that theyre putting on this fall into a funky fringe concept. It was just so cool. The make-up itself was fantastic. Big bold colors with harsh tones and rigid shapes. I felt like it was sweeney todd meets vampires. Intense I know. There was music in it too. I can't rave enough about it. I'm going to ask Ronda how much the tickets were tomorrow because if they were pretty cheap I may go see it again. But we'll see.
I found out what the Spring Musical is going to be!!!! All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. I had never heard of it before, but it sounds both interesting and slightly exciting. Of course I'm going to start listening to it now and read up on it... because let's face it.. I want to be in it. lol. Im so excited!!!!
Well the rest of the night breezed by. I spent most of it down in the lobby playing card games with some of the crew. We played Baloney, Mafia, and this weirdly named card game that is alot like slap jack. I won none of them. But they were definitely loads of fun. I feel like we should play cards all the time!!! I think I shall make a list of all the cool card games groups can play... because unless we have variety people will get bored.. and we don't want that.
Well I'm off to sleep now.. I have to wake up early for the Parliament tour tomorrow.. yippeee... more politics. At least Ill be able to see big ben. Oh, and I also painted my nails today!!! First time in forever!!! But theyre still so short.. grow nails grow!!! well, until next time. :D
I woke up today thinking it was going to be pretty boring. I didn't have anything planned and we were going to this small Hamlet show tonight. So I went down to breakfast where I was reminded that I had made plans to go to the Science museum today! Luckily I woke up early today right? So I was off to the science museum with Aimelle, Jill, and Jess. I had fun. It wasn't as fun as I expected it to be... not that it was lame at all, but the last science museum I went to was probably the coolest museum ever in existence (It's in Anaheim CA.. the one with the big black cube right off the 5 as it turns into the 57).. so it had alot to be compared to. But I still had fun and took a few great pictures, none of which you will see today because I am way too tired to upload them and edit them and then load them on here. Way too long of a process... but maybe another day.. youll get a few fun sciencey type pictures at random.
So because I bought those two short sleeved shirts yesterday the weather has now dropped and it is both cold and rainy. Well its actually not that cold, but definitely very rainy. I just find it funny. But anyway, I came back and took a nap. I didn't want to; I tried to get some things accomplished.. but I ended up just falling asleep instead.
After that is when we headed off to this Hamlet. It was located in this tiny theatre above a pub. It was called Hamlet House of Horrors. It was my first experience with Fringe theatre. I dont have words to explain how amazing it was. I'm a huge fan of Hamlet and this was simple fantastic. My favorite show so far by far. I personally think Wally should think of changing Much Ado About Nothing that theyre putting on this fall into a funky fringe concept. It was just so cool. The make-up itself was fantastic. Big bold colors with harsh tones and rigid shapes. I felt like it was sweeney todd meets vampires. Intense I know. There was music in it too. I can't rave enough about it. I'm going to ask Ronda how much the tickets were tomorrow because if they were pretty cheap I may go see it again. But we'll see.
I found out what the Spring Musical is going to be!!!! All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. I had never heard of it before, but it sounds both interesting and slightly exciting. Of course I'm going to start listening to it now and read up on it... because let's face it.. I want to be in it. lol. Im so excited!!!!
Well the rest of the night breezed by. I spent most of it down in the lobby playing card games with some of the crew. We played Baloney, Mafia, and this weirdly named card game that is alot like slap jack. I won none of them. But they were definitely loads of fun. I feel like we should play cards all the time!!! I think I shall make a list of all the cool card games groups can play... because unless we have variety people will get bored.. and we don't want that.
Well I'm off to sleep now.. I have to wake up early for the Parliament tour tomorrow.. yippeee... more politics. At least Ill be able to see big ben. Oh, and I also painted my nails today!!! First time in forever!!! But theyre still so short.. grow nails grow!!! well, until next time. :D
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 11: Sleeeeeep Rocks,
Song of the Day: Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Miley Cyrus. By far the best rendition of this song ever. Again with the dancing in my head. I wish so much I was this awesome dancer that could just bust out the moves. Tonight is the series finale of So You Think You Can Dance, and I am so excited to hear who wins. They were all so stinking good this season. And even though I didn't get to vote, or see their last dances last night.. I know the finale is going to be amazing. Luckily my roomie Jess knows an online site that will have it tomorrow. Yay illegal internet sites!!!!
Today was the most relaxing day ever. I slept in till 1015.. got up and busied myself until around 1230 when I slide back into bed and took a nap. I thought I'd only be asleep for a little bit.. but I didn't wake up until 315. hahaha... So to say the very least, I got quite a few hours of sleep today. And then once I was all ready I headed off to Primark with a group of girls that didn't mind the crowds. It was awesome!! I was able to find two summer tops I can wear with leggings. They were 4 pounds each!!! thats not bad at all. I also had to buy some sock footie things for my flats that gave me the worst blister ever. So hopefully I'll finally be able to wear those again!! But watch.. now that I finally got all these things.. the weather is going to drop 15 degrees and it's going to be super cold. Just you wait.. it'll happen.
So my roommates and I made this special list tonight.. and I can't tell you exactly what it is on here.. but I'll just say.. it's the best list ever created. We made some wagers and we will see what happens. I love being a girl... I just don't see how being a guy can be as fun. We get make-up (not that guys can't wear make up ... eyeliner can be pretty hot.. jack sparrow anyone?..), we get to curl/straighten/crimp our hair (which even though it is time consuming and sometimes very aggravating.. in the end its totally worth it), we get to wear the coolest clothes (like when I went to the fashion exhibit in the V&A museum the guys suits and outfits were relatively the same throughout the years.. materials and colors were the biggest differences.. and that was about it.. but the woman's clothes.. wow.. things have changed so much), we have nail polish, and girl talk, and the list goes on and on. Sure there are those few things about being a girl that royally sucks, however in the end it's worth it. Speaking of girls.. I miss every single one of my girl-friends with all my heart. I wish you were here with me!!!
Tomorrow we're off to see Hamlet!!! But I don't know if it's the normal Hamlet.. I know that may sound odd, but I'm being serious. You'll find out tomorrow of course. Hope everyone's day goes grand(ly?). Until next time. :D
Today was the most relaxing day ever. I slept in till 1015.. got up and busied myself until around 1230 when I slide back into bed and took a nap. I thought I'd only be asleep for a little bit.. but I didn't wake up until 315. hahaha... So to say the very least, I got quite a few hours of sleep today. And then once I was all ready I headed off to Primark with a group of girls that didn't mind the crowds. It was awesome!! I was able to find two summer tops I can wear with leggings. They were 4 pounds each!!! thats not bad at all. I also had to buy some sock footie things for my flats that gave me the worst blister ever. So hopefully I'll finally be able to wear those again!! But watch.. now that I finally got all these things.. the weather is going to drop 15 degrees and it's going to be super cold. Just you wait.. it'll happen.
So my roommates and I made this special list tonight.. and I can't tell you exactly what it is on here.. but I'll just say.. it's the best list ever created. We made some wagers and we will see what happens. I love being a girl... I just don't see how being a guy can be as fun. We get make-up (not that guys can't wear make up ... eyeliner can be pretty hot.. jack sparrow anyone?..), we get to curl/straighten/crimp our hair (which even though it is time consuming and sometimes very aggravating.. in the end its totally worth it), we get to wear the coolest clothes (like when I went to the fashion exhibit in the V&A museum the guys suits and outfits were relatively the same throughout the years.. materials and colors were the biggest differences.. and that was about it.. but the woman's clothes.. wow.. things have changed so much), we have nail polish, and girl talk, and the list goes on and on. Sure there are those few things about being a girl that royally sucks, however in the end it's worth it. Speaking of girls.. I miss every single one of my girl-friends with all my heart. I wish you were here with me!!!
Tomorrow we're off to see Hamlet!!! But I don't know if it's the normal Hamlet.. I know that may sound odd, but I'm being serious. You'll find out tomorrow of course. Hope everyone's day goes grand(ly?). Until next time. :D
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day 10: Blackjack is not Texas Hold 'Em
Song of the Day: Five Minutes of Fame by Barlow Girl. They are a christian rock band, but I absolutely love them. Awesome beat and catchy lyrics. I haven't listened to this song in so long, and I think it has some great moral grounds. Not to mention it makes me want to dance. Speaking of dancing. Second to last So You Think You Can Dance tonight!!! Since I am in London, and they don't watch it over here.. I need all of you to vote for KENT!!!!! He's absolutely amazing. Sure the other two are pretty fantastic too, but Kent is just so wonderful. So find out the number.. its an 888 number so its free.. and call as many times as humanly possible. Please and Thank you times infinity!!!!
Today was an interesting day, kind of. I got up early (8 am) to get ready for a BBC tour. We went inside the inner workings of the Largest news broadcast station in the world. It was pretty awesome. A couple of my peers got to be apart of a mock game show and news reading. Totally fun. After that I ate lunch, and went to the Wesley house with the Com class to listen to a Lord speak about politics. Actually he wasn't a Lord. He is a pastor that is apart of the House of Lords in Parliament. And for someone who practically hates most politics and politicians (that someone is me by the way if you didn't catch that).. he was very interesting and kept my attention. I was very impressed. If anything it led me to think of other questions to ponder and try and discover on my own. Way to get my brain working over time. After that I came back to Lee Abbey and ate dinner and finally got ALL of my pictures up on facebook for the world to see!!! That took forever!!! almost two hours for the entire endeavor. But it is not complete.. so I'm pretty proud.
From there I was dying of boredom so I went down to the Lobby and played some card games with Alexa and eventually Andy too. It was a really chill day, but I had a lot more fun than you'd think. Tomorrow should be fun too. A complete free day. Which I should use to do homework.. that is the plan. Of course, I've never been very good at sticking to plans.. but we'll see.
Wow.. so I think I just may win the most boring blog award for this one... Sorry guys. I'll do something so interesting tomorrow I won't be able to shut up about it. Maybe I'll give it to you guys in story mode. Really throw you for a whirl wind. I'm off to bed.. but if you want to see what I've been up to go check out my facebook.. 74 pictures calling your name. Have a blast.
Until next time. <3
Today was an interesting day, kind of. I got up early (8 am) to get ready for a BBC tour. We went inside the inner workings of the Largest news broadcast station in the world. It was pretty awesome. A couple of my peers got to be apart of a mock game show and news reading. Totally fun. After that I ate lunch, and went to the Wesley house with the Com class to listen to a Lord speak about politics. Actually he wasn't a Lord. He is a pastor that is apart of the House of Lords in Parliament. And for someone who practically hates most politics and politicians (that someone is me by the way if you didn't catch that).. he was very interesting and kept my attention. I was very impressed. If anything it led me to think of other questions to ponder and try and discover on my own. Way to get my brain working over time. After that I came back to Lee Abbey and ate dinner and finally got ALL of my pictures up on facebook for the world to see!!! That took forever!!! almost two hours for the entire endeavor. But it is not complete.. so I'm pretty proud.
From there I was dying of boredom so I went down to the Lobby and played some card games with Alexa and eventually Andy too. It was a really chill day, but I had a lot more fun than you'd think. Tomorrow should be fun too. A complete free day. Which I should use to do homework.. that is the plan. Of course, I've never been very good at sticking to plans.. but we'll see.
Wow.. so I think I just may win the most boring blog award for this one... Sorry guys. I'll do something so interesting tomorrow I won't be able to shut up about it. Maybe I'll give it to you guys in story mode. Really throw you for a whirl wind. I'm off to bed.. but if you want to see what I've been up to go check out my facebook.. 74 pictures calling your name. Have a blast.
Until next time. <3
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Day 9: Fro-Yuck.
Song of the Day: According to You by Orianthi. I actually don't have this on my ipod unfortunately, but I love this song. Makes me want to dance around. Thank goodness for Youtube. I actually spent the last thirty minutes watching I kissed a vampire: a rock musical with Lucas Grabeel and Drew Seeley. Not bad songs, but completely ridiculous. Made me chuckle a few times that's for sure. But I think one of my favorites to watch on youtube is A Very Potter Musical. SOOOO GOOOOOOOOD. Of course I have most of the songs memorized. A Very Potter Sequel wasn't as good, but it still made me laugh so much. If you've never seen either I suggest watching them both.
Now today was full of a number of adventures. First, I made my first visit to Tesco, the place that owns Fresh & Easy over in the states. It was actually a mini Tesco and it was still rather large. Took me forever to find the food I wanted. Then I watched Winning London with a few girls. Anybody remember Winning London?? With Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen?? Well it's epic. Then we went off to BBC (British Broadcasting Company) to be apart of the audience for a taping of a game show called Pointless. Look it up on Youtube! It was pretty interesting. It lasted forever!!! but it was funny and I really enjoyed it. Made me wish I was a broadcast journalism major. yes, I admit it. It was just so cool seeing all the cameras and lights and everything!!!
And then afterwards, instead of going home, I tagged along with about 8 girls who wanted to go get frozen yogurt. They'd already gone out like twice this week and absolutely loved it. San Diego addiction at its finest. So I went and got some too. I love London for numerous reasons. It's beautiful, historical, magical, and so on. And I love their food. Except, it seems, their botched attempt to emulate frozen yogurt. In fact it wasnt even really frozen yogurt.. it was just plain tart and chocolate tart (who the heck has heard of chocolate tart is my question? seriously, ew). neither of which I like, obviously. But they pretend its yogurt by calling it yogurt. lies. I paid almost two pounds to realize that I will never eat frozen yogurt here again. I mean, I don't even like frozen yogurt that much in the first place, but I figured I'd try it just for the sake of fro-yo everywhere. Good to know London gives us no competition in that area.
Anyway, I'm home now. Safe and sound. Tired and exhausted. We have a tour of the BBC tomorrow bright and early so I best be heading to bed now. But I'm sure I'll blog more tomorrow. Here's hoping that the weather is just as cool tomorrow as it was today. Until next time. :)
Now today was full of a number of adventures. First, I made my first visit to Tesco, the place that owns Fresh & Easy over in the states. It was actually a mini Tesco and it was still rather large. Took me forever to find the food I wanted. Then I watched Winning London with a few girls. Anybody remember Winning London?? With Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen?? Well it's epic. Then we went off to BBC (British Broadcasting Company) to be apart of the audience for a taping of a game show called Pointless. Look it up on Youtube! It was pretty interesting. It lasted forever!!! but it was funny and I really enjoyed it. Made me wish I was a broadcast journalism major. yes, I admit it. It was just so cool seeing all the cameras and lights and everything!!!
And then afterwards, instead of going home, I tagged along with about 8 girls who wanted to go get frozen yogurt. They'd already gone out like twice this week and absolutely loved it. San Diego addiction at its finest. So I went and got some too. I love London for numerous reasons. It's beautiful, historical, magical, and so on. And I love their food. Except, it seems, their botched attempt to emulate frozen yogurt. In fact it wasnt even really frozen yogurt.. it was just plain tart and chocolate tart (who the heck has heard of chocolate tart is my question? seriously, ew). neither of which I like, obviously. But they pretend its yogurt by calling it yogurt. lies. I paid almost two pounds to realize that I will never eat frozen yogurt here again. I mean, I don't even like frozen yogurt that much in the first place, but I figured I'd try it just for the sake of fro-yo everywhere. Good to know London gives us no competition in that area.
Anyway, I'm home now. Safe and sound. Tired and exhausted. We have a tour of the BBC tomorrow bright and early so I best be heading to bed now. But I'm sure I'll blog more tomorrow. Here's hoping that the weather is just as cool tomorrow as it was today. Until next time. :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Day 8: Relax?
Song of the day: Like A Prayer covered by the Glee Cast. Come on, you surely didn't think I listen to original music? Glee is the best thing since sliced bread. Or just any bread in general. Which is saying a whole lot. In fact while I'm here in London I doubt I'll be able to watch.. BUT I do have Itunes.. and will still buy the music. Which reminds me... there are some internet sites that only work for certain countries. And guess which ones I found out are only American residents. Pandora and Hulu. Yes. When I found out I had a small melt down. I only watch two shows during the year (one of them being Glee.. obviously) and the other is Vampire Diaries. On the bright side I just checked the CW website and that's all good over here. So I'm less sad now. But note to Mom: Please don't delete any Glee episodes off the DVR while I'm away!!! LOVE YOU. :D
Now on to actual relevant things. I visited the Victoria & Albert Museum today. V&A for short. It was HUGE.
And there was absolutely so many different things inside. I don't know why it's called Victoria and Albert, it should be called the Museum of everything you can possibly think of. Then again, that's a tad long. I digress. The first exhibit I got to see was fashion throughout the last six-hundred years or so. It was absolutely so cool. And I would not have been able to fit in anything that was on display.. then again neither would any normal size person. it was all negative waist type apparel. But interesting and fun just the same. Then there was this very long hallway of purely naked sculptures. Those sculptors love their genitalia. From there we (I was with roommate Jessica) found an exhibit strictly for Theatre. IT WAS THE BEST EVER!!!! EVERRRRR!!!!!!
And no, I'm not biased. It was simply wonderful. We also got to see the history of hundreds of jewelry pieces. Made me want to go out and buy a tiara. A fake one though, because who has that kind of money? Besides the Queen of course.
The building itself that the Museum was in was just as beautiful and grand as the artifacts inside. So again, here's a visual to help you envision it all.
And I almost forgot, someone built this wooden tower. Which may not sound all the extraordinary, but the walls were completely filled with Books. So you walk up this spiral staircase with books surrounding you everywhere. I was in
We went back to the room where I took a nap. I couldn't help it; I was just so tired. And when I woke up I was off to another play!!! This one entitled Enron. Yes like the business corporation that blew up... or sunk.. or failed miserably, however you'd prefer to say it. It wasn't bad. Very creative set and awesome acting. And even though I didn't love it... I now understand the
overall history of the whole Enron disaster. Stock Market talk is completely alien, so I was very proud that I understood what happened by the end of it all.
Tomorrow I am going to a BBC studio and sitting in on a taping of the game show Pointless! I am really excited about this... because I am a very large fan of game shows. It's a British game show so who knows what it's about, but I don't care. Yay game shows!!! Until next time!! :DSunday, August 8, 2010
Day 7: Sunday School Rock
Song of the Day: Pressing On by Relient K. Bringing it back to middle school.
Today I went to two church services. First one was Hillsong church. It was located inside a theatre. Which in essence made me a tad biased...but I enjoyed it very much. Although I like smaller churches where you get to know absolutely everyone, I've gotten used to my huge church in vegas so this one didn't bug me because of it's size. I loved the music even though I didn't know the songs, and that is very rare. Usually I get annoyed and unmoved, but not this time. And then the sermon was about Esther. You can't ever go wrong with my favorite book of the bible. I just liked it. alot. I want to go back!!! Maybe see if it can give me the same welcomed feeling.
Second church was Holy Trinity Brompton. The church itself was beautiful. This old brick church/cathedral with a stained glass window and everything. Much smaller and much more traditional. I actually knew two of the worship songs out of five. And the speaker wasn't too bad. He talked about words, and particularly their use in evangelism. It was interesting and probably moving to some people. But I don't know.. it just didn't feel like the earlier church. and then I found out that a group I wasnt with went to this little picnic afterwards and no one talked to them!!! So I think that just turned me off entirely. I want to check out more smaller churches... but this one definitely wasn't calling to me like Hillsong.
In between church services we went to Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park. This is where anyone can stand up on a podium and discuss what they believe, whether it involves religion, science, economics or politics. I listened to a guy with a cowboy hat speak about Christianity... but he wasnt doing a very good job. there was just a lot of yelling going on around him and by him and it was doing no one any good. And then I listened to this Muslim man who spent the entire time declaring what was wrong with Christianity instead of explaining why we should turn to Islam. And I would just like to note that his explanations were using the Bible completely out of context. The whole place was very interesting. I even listened to this guy talk about aliens. like I said, interesting.
Finally I want to discuss tpday's food. I HAD A CHOCOLATE CROISSANT FOR BREAKFAST. it was the yummiest thing ever. That is until I went to high Tea and ate a jelly filled doughnut. Now you may be thinking.. ew, jelly doughnuts aren't all that great... but this one was like a little slice of heaven. I don't know what they do differently, but it's amazing!!!
I just had a great day in general. I'm actually making friends!! People I'll be able to hang out with beyond school work. It made me so happy. Well tomorrow we go to another play and I'm hitting up the Science Museum!!! I love Science!!!! well... As long as I'm not in a classroom setting I love science. Until next time. :D
Today I went to two church services. First one was Hillsong church. It was located inside a theatre. Which in essence made me a tad biased...but I enjoyed it very much. Although I like smaller churches where you get to know absolutely everyone, I've gotten used to my huge church in vegas so this one didn't bug me because of it's size. I loved the music even though I didn't know the songs, and that is very rare. Usually I get annoyed and unmoved, but not this time. And then the sermon was about Esther. You can't ever go wrong with my favorite book of the bible. I just liked it. alot. I want to go back!!! Maybe see if it can give me the same welcomed feeling.
Second church was Holy Trinity Brompton. The church itself was beautiful. This old brick church/cathedral with a stained glass window and everything. Much smaller and much more traditional. I actually knew two of the worship songs out of five. And the speaker wasn't too bad. He talked about words, and particularly their use in evangelism. It was interesting and probably moving to some people. But I don't know.. it just didn't feel like the earlier church. and then I found out that a group I wasnt with went to this little picnic afterwards and no one talked to them!!! So I think that just turned me off entirely. I want to check out more smaller churches... but this one definitely wasn't calling to me like Hillsong.
In between church services we went to Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park. This is where anyone can stand up on a podium and discuss what they believe, whether it involves religion, science, economics or politics. I listened to a guy with a cowboy hat speak about Christianity... but he wasnt doing a very good job. there was just a lot of yelling going on around him and by him and it was doing no one any good. And then I listened to this Muslim man who spent the entire time declaring what was wrong with Christianity instead of explaining why we should turn to Islam. And I would just like to note that his explanations were using the Bible completely out of context. The whole place was very interesting. I even listened to this guy talk about aliens. like I said, interesting.
Finally I want to discuss tpday's food. I HAD A CHOCOLATE CROISSANT FOR BREAKFAST. it was the yummiest thing ever. That is until I went to high Tea and ate a jelly filled doughnut. Now you may be thinking.. ew, jelly doughnuts aren't all that great... but this one was like a little slice of heaven. I don't know what they do differently, but it's amazing!!!
I just had a great day in general. I'm actually making friends!! People I'll be able to hang out with beyond school work. It made me so happy. Well tomorrow we go to another play and I'm hitting up the Science Museum!!! I love Science!!!! well... As long as I'm not in a classroom setting I love science. Until next time. :D
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Day 6: Scarves and Bridges
Song of the Day: When We're Human from The Princess and the Frog. It's been humming in my head for a good few hours now. And it's so refreshing to hear this song again. I absolutely loved this movie and again I suggest if you didn't see it... go out and rent it now. Or just buy it.. because it's that good.
We got back to the room only to set out on a new adventure a short while later. Another play, Don Juan in Love!! This time we were in an outside amphitheatre right next to the London Bridge called The Scoop. Ronda said that they enjoyed this theatre because it was very audience interactive and lively. And it was definitely pretty good for being absolutely free. The best part.. was that Don Juan was a total man whore.. and the actor held nothing back. In fact he approached a random audience member while discussing how he seduces all his conquests, and then right at the end he pulls her in and kisses her right in her seat!!!!! I was like NO WAY. it was the funniest thing ever. And then he changed his sights to Jill who was sitting right in front of me. He was so close to kissing her too but he continued on with his monologue instead. It was so great. 
After that my roommates and I went on a little jaunt across the London Bridge!!! It was absolutely amazing. And because I know you wish you were here with me... these are the pictures to help you visualize what you're missing!!! Tonight was the first where I actually felt cold. It made me so happy. I want to be able to wear my sweaters, and I can't do so until it stops being so darn warm!!!
Now today was pretty fabulous. I slept in, which is always a good thing. and then went to the Portobello Market! Imagine a farmer's market with jewelry, clothes, and everything else you can think of. And again... it was not for the faint of heart. Wayyyyy busy. And in the midst of this crazy fun bargaining shopping it began to rain. and not just sprinkle, no no. It poured. This is when I found out that a wind breaker is not water proof. It may look water proof, and feel water proof. But it is not. But I enjoyed the rain none the less. It made the weather much cooler, which was so nice. While at the market my roommates and I all got scarves. They're beautiful, but of course I love mine the best. It's purple! (and gold and black) And then I got dried bananas, also known as banana crisps. So Yummy. Of course that's what the picture is demonstrating... not the fact I can eat.. because let's face it.. we all know I can eat just fine.
After that my roommates and I went on a little jaunt across the London Bridge!!! It was absolutely amazing. And because I know you wish you were here with me... these are the pictures to help you visualize what you're missing!!! Tonight was the first where I actually felt cold. It made me so happy. I want to be able to wear my sweaters, and I can't do so until it stops being so darn warm!!!
Tomorrow we're going to church, Hyde Park, and something
else in the evening as well. It's just going to be jam packed, but don't worry. I'll still blog. Oh, and there is going to be another trip to Primark soon because I found some girls who are willing to push through the crowds with me. Stay tuned for that. Well, until then. :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Day 5: Be the Change You Want To See In the World- Ghandi
My title for this blog is due to our visit to the Imperial War museum today. It was very good. There was a Holocaust exhibition and of course it was sad... but it always reminds me of one of my fave quotes is "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -Edmund Berke. It's hard to understand how thousands of people were brain washed into destroying millions of people. I just don't get it.
But on the bright side I got to sleep in today. All the way until 11!!! Somehow I was still tired today though so I'll be going to bed shortly, hopefully. Once I finish this lovely blog and write in my journal and maybe skype my mother if she ever gets on!!! lol.
I don't really have much to say today. Which is weird because usually you can't get me to shut up. I think I'm just in this weird funk at the moment and hopefully sleep will help me get out of it. I don't know if it was the war museum but I'm definitely not miss happy-go-lucky.
Which by the way.. I discovered that I am the second oldest out of all of my peers on this trip. My RA beats me by 5 months. No pressure there. I kind of just want to make friends already. Not that everyone isn't being nice, but I actually want to start having real discussions deeper than just what did you do today? I know its only the 5th day so I have quite awhile to be able to accomplish this whole friendship thing, but I don't exactly exude patience. Something I definitely need to work on.
This is probably God's way of saying, Charity... you need to just relax.
Which should be fun. relaxing. At least I've stopped biting my nails... currently. Pretty soon I'll be able to paint them. And I am going to paint them purple!!! (because that is the only color I brought! haha)
Well I am off to get ready for bed and such. Until next time :D
But on the bright side I got to sleep in today. All the way until 11!!! Somehow I was still tired today though so I'll be going to bed shortly, hopefully. Once I finish this lovely blog and write in my journal and maybe skype my mother if she ever gets on!!! lol.
I don't really have much to say today. Which is weird because usually you can't get me to shut up. I think I'm just in this weird funk at the moment and hopefully sleep will help me get out of it. I don't know if it was the war museum but I'm definitely not miss happy-go-lucky.
Which by the way.. I discovered that I am the second oldest out of all of my peers on this trip. My RA beats me by 5 months. No pressure there. I kind of just want to make friends already. Not that everyone isn't being nice, but I actually want to start having real discussions deeper than just what did you do today? I know its only the 5th day so I have quite awhile to be able to accomplish this whole friendship thing, but I don't exactly exude patience. Something I definitely need to work on.
This is probably God's way of saying, Charity... you need to just relax.
Which should be fun. relaxing. At least I've stopped biting my nails... currently. Pretty soon I'll be able to paint them. And I am going to paint them purple!!! (because that is the only color I brought! haha)
Well I am off to get ready for bed and such. Until next time :D
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day 4: So Tired.
I'm too tired too turn on my ipod to pick out a song of the day.. I guess one I listened to earlier could suffice... Stand Out from A Goofy Movie. So good and totally brings you back to those elementary school years. Makes me want to dance. In my chair. Maybe just in my head because I don't want to move.
Today I finally got to go to Primark. And it is way cool. But.. and this is a pretty large negative but.. imagine a two story target on black Friday midday and you've got how busy it was. I'm not even exaggerating here. There were people everywhere, clothes everywhere, everything everywhere. The people who work their deserve at least 13 pounds an hour if not more. Now even though it was crowded I was ready and willing to get down and do some shopping... at least try some things on over my clothes (like blouses or dresses and such) to see if they fit or if I liked the material. Unfortunately the girls I were with couldn't handle the crowds and wanted to leave almost immediately. So at least I got to see it, but I didn't get to really do anything inside. They do have some pretty wicked deals though... that I can say.
On the way home I was able to do a little running around at less busier shops. I went to a Boots which is like a CVS and got shampoo and kleenexes and body wash! It was there that I heard one of the funniest things ever... we were walking out with our merchandise and this worker helping this lady walked past us... and I'm guessing she asked him something involving make-up because this was his reply, and I quote, "I only dress up in drag every once in awhile so I don't know how much help I can be."
Funny right? Well it certainly made me laugh.
Oh and I also got a planner. To help me plan out my life. I can decorate it with permanent marker. Yay.
Tonight we went to our first London production. Welcome to Thebes by Moira Buffini. It was absolutely amazing. Imagine our politics as a Greek play but set in modern times. It brought together Grecian culture, Liberian history, and American politics. All written by a British playwright. But it was amazing. We get to read it for class.. and even though we've already seen it.. I'm glad we get to dive into it even more.
Now even though it was great.. it still isn't the best one I've seen. That title belongs to Cyrano De Bergerac. I still can't get over how great that play was. but anyway... My day is all over.. and I'm exhausted. So I am going to head off to bed!!! tomorrow I'm going to the Imperial War Museum. We'll see how that goes. Also my tube pass didn't work tonight.. so hopefully I can get that fixed tomorrow. hopefully. hah... Until then. :)
Today I finally got to go to Primark. And it is way cool. But.. and this is a pretty large negative but.. imagine a two story target on black Friday midday and you've got how busy it was. I'm not even exaggerating here. There were people everywhere, clothes everywhere, everything everywhere. The people who work their deserve at least 13 pounds an hour if not more. Now even though it was crowded I was ready and willing to get down and do some shopping... at least try some things on over my clothes (like blouses or dresses and such) to see if they fit or if I liked the material. Unfortunately the girls I were with couldn't handle the crowds and wanted to leave almost immediately. So at least I got to see it, but I didn't get to really do anything inside. They do have some pretty wicked deals though... that I can say.
On the way home I was able to do a little running around at less busier shops. I went to a Boots which is like a CVS and got shampoo and kleenexes and body wash! It was there that I heard one of the funniest things ever... we were walking out with our merchandise and this worker helping this lady walked past us... and I'm guessing she asked him something involving make-up because this was his reply, and I quote, "I only dress up in drag every once in awhile so I don't know how much help I can be."
Funny right? Well it certainly made me laugh.
Oh and I also got a planner. To help me plan out my life. I can decorate it with permanent marker. Yay.
Tonight we went to our first London production. Welcome to Thebes by Moira Buffini. It was absolutely amazing. Imagine our politics as a Greek play but set in modern times. It brought together Grecian culture, Liberian history, and American politics. All written by a British playwright. But it was amazing. We get to read it for class.. and even though we've already seen it.. I'm glad we get to dive into it even more.
Now even though it was great.. it still isn't the best one I've seen. That title belongs to Cyrano De Bergerac. I still can't get over how great that play was. but anyway... My day is all over.. and I'm exhausted. So I am going to head off to bed!!! tomorrow I'm going to the Imperial War Museum. We'll see how that goes. Also my tube pass didn't work tonight.. so hopefully I can get that fixed tomorrow. hopefully. hah... Until then. :)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 3: I want to live in a Palace.
Song of the day: The Only Exception by Paramore. Simply amazing and totally mellow. Makes me want to sip tea and eat loads of crumpets. Not that I really know what a crumpet is... but I'd be totally down for eating them all.

So that was my day. I didn't get to the store I wanted to visit because my feet were literally begging me to go home.. and rest. So that is my plan for tomorrow.. on top of seeing a play. Welcome to Thebes. It shall be interesting, and as usual you will find out all about it tomorrow! Until then. :D
So today was pretty productive. I'm getting really good at navigating the tube, which may not seem all that fun, but I have a grand ole time figuring out which line to get on and where to go and so on. It's awesome actually. Next I will conquer the buses... those are a little more intense I feel, but we'll see.
First stop today was Buckingham Palace. Jessica was my partner in crime today and we adventured it up. Back to Buckingham Palace. It was seriously a palace. 775 rooms. and of those rooms like 80 were bathrooms. haha. made me chuckle. But we took a tour of the state rooms. Which if you have ever visited Washington DC and visited the White House... I'm pretty sure they stole quite a few ideas from this pa
rticular palace. Every room is a different color. They have a green room and white room and blue room and well i think you get the point. It was very interesting. A tad pricey... 15.50 pounds. which is the equivalent to like $23 or so. Lame, but worth it in the end. This here is a picture of the Palace from the backyard. It was quite amazing is all I'm saying. The Queen wasn't there though.. she's in Scotland.. but we got to learn all about what she does in a year.. Being Queen is one busy job is all I got to say.
First stop today was Buckingham Palace. Jessica was my partner in crime today and we adventured it up. Back to Buckingham Palace. It was seriously a palace. 775 rooms. and of those rooms like 80 were bathrooms. haha. made me chuckle. But we took a tour of the state rooms. Which if you have ever visited Washington DC and visited the White House... I'm pretty sure they stole quite a few ideas from this pa
Then we headed over to St. Paul's Cathedral because that is my project that I will have to present early October, and I thought hey! I might as well get started early! We arrived there and unfortunately it cost almost 10 pounds and at this point I already thought I spent enough money on site seeing today... so Jessica and I decided to visit somewhere that was actually free. The Tate museum of Modern Art. And to get there we had to walk over the Millennium Bridge... any Harry Potter fans recognize the bridge from the 6th movie??? huh huh??? It was amazing to walk over it!!! and it was so long!!! it doesnt seem that long when you begin it but it seems like it goes on forever. And the domed building behind it is St. Paul's. Pretty huge church. But anyway we walked over this bridge to get to the gallery which was HUGE. 7 story brick building. And it was even wider than it was tall. like I said, HUGE. There were some really cool paintings and pictures and sculptures for sure. But there were also things that I looked at and was completely confused as to how anyone could see it as art. Or at least good enough art to be in a national gallery such as this one. Seriously.. there was one that looked like he just cut out random squares on colored cardboard paper and put it all together.. and then he explained that his inspiration came from a snail.. it made me laugh. alot. But there were some pretty AMAZING ones that were totally art. like Andy Warhol!!! he's awesome!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 2: 3 flights of stairs; 68 steps
Song of the day: King of Anything by Sara Bareilles. If you don't have it... get it. So good. And just makes me feel very Londonesque... which is funny because she's not British or anything. Anyway... My day was rather flat. Not because it was bad... but because I just didn't do much. Like a flat plain. Pretty but not as pretty as a mountain or something.
Best part I think was walking down to a grocery store, Sainsbury, and buying a Cheese and Tomato sandwich. Because it wasn't gross american cheese, it was white cheddar cheese that you can only get over here!!! It was soooooo delicious. I also only used a single coin to buy it. I mean it was slightly amazing. The rest of the day was spent chilling with Aimelle (we played war and go fish... really worked the brain with those games let me tell you) and then we had our first meeting for our British experience class (hence forth known as OCP) and we went for a walk around the town.
Ronda pointed out a bookstore.. which I will be visiting shortly, and everything else we could imagine. We're getting library cards next week!!! I'm excited about that too. I need to get started on these projects and papers.
Tomorrow I have completely free. One of my roommates, Jessica, and I are going to Buckingham Palace and maybe even St. Paul's Cathedral. We seriously have all day... so most likely we can get both in. I also want to go to this store that everyone who went to London last time said was amazing.. Primark. Is it bad to be so excited for a retail store??? But I went on their website and theyre stylish and they promote ethical trading!!! I'm just really excited.
I'll obviously update tomorrow with exactly what gets done.. or doesnt get done.
Now on the bad side... I got this huge blister on my foot from a pair of my supposedly "comfy" shoes. and dont get me wrong.. when im wearing them its like im walking on pillows... but that doesnt help my heel. I only wore them for maybe a half an hour.. and the blister was about the size of a dime. not good. So im just going to have to wear lots of bandaids.. all the time.
This next bit is both bad and good. I live on the 3rd floor.. but technically its the fourth because they dont consider the ground floor the first floor.. dont exactly know how that works, but whatever.. my point is there are alot of stairs to climb. Which if I am in a rush.. is bad.. because I am so the opposite of "in-shape" and there is a lift (elevator) but it's probably the slowest lift in existence. But at least I'll be getting a work out every single day.
I wish I had brought things to decorate my area with... like pictures or something. I really just packed barely anything. Maybe I could draw pictures of everyone.. which would be alot easier if I could draw. Well hopefully I'll think of something to make my area more homey. Until then. ;)
Best part I think was walking down to a grocery store, Sainsbury, and buying a Cheese and Tomato sandwich. Because it wasn't gross american cheese, it was white cheddar cheese that you can only get over here!!! It was soooooo delicious. I also only used a single coin to buy it. I mean it was slightly amazing. The rest of the day was spent chilling with Aimelle (we played war and go fish... really worked the brain with those games let me tell you) and then we had our first meeting for our British experience class (hence forth known as OCP) and we went for a walk around the town.
Ronda pointed out a bookstore.. which I will be visiting shortly, and everything else we could imagine. We're getting library cards next week!!! I'm excited about that too. I need to get started on these projects and papers.
Tomorrow I have completely free. One of my roommates, Jessica, and I are going to Buckingham Palace and maybe even St. Paul's Cathedral. We seriously have all day... so most likely we can get both in. I also want to go to this store that everyone who went to London last time said was amazing.. Primark. Is it bad to be so excited for a retail store??? But I went on their website and theyre stylish and they promote ethical trading!!! I'm just really excited.
I'll obviously update tomorrow with exactly what gets done.. or doesnt get done.
Now on the bad side... I got this huge blister on my foot from a pair of my supposedly "comfy" shoes. and dont get me wrong.. when im wearing them its like im walking on pillows... but that doesnt help my heel. I only wore them for maybe a half an hour.. and the blister was about the size of a dime. not good. So im just going to have to wear lots of bandaids.. all the time.
This next bit is both bad and good. I live on the 3rd floor.. but technically its the fourth because they dont consider the ground floor the first floor.. dont exactly know how that works, but whatever.. my point is there are alot of stairs to climb. Which if I am in a rush.. is bad.. because I am so the opposite of "in-shape" and there is a lift (elevator) but it's probably the slowest lift in existence. But at least I'll be getting a work out every single day.
I wish I had brought things to decorate my area with... like pictures or something. I really just packed barely anything. Maybe I could draw pictures of everyone.. which would be alot easier if I could draw. Well hopefully I'll think of something to make my area more homey. Until then. ;)
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day 1: London Calls, I Answer
I have officially arrived in London England. Talk about a whirlwind adventure. I said goodbye to my loving family around 230 pm Las Vegas time on August 1st. Then I got on my huge 747 plane and chilled for roughly ten hours. I watched How To Train our Dragon again... Seriously, I just LOVE that movie. Truly love.
Now it wasn't a packed flight, thankfully, and I was able to stretch out and sleep for about 4 hours. All in all it didn't seem like a ten hour flight. Which I was grateful for. And the food on the plane? Yeah.. totally yum. Virgin Atlantic is the way to go.
I also sat by this man, named Alex. He helped me with my baggage at the very beginning of the flight but we didn't talk until about the last 30 min. Which all started by him complimenting my Teddy Bear. He even asked his name! The teddy bears name that is, which is Shakesbear just so you know. And then we started chatting and it was nice to hear what someone from London says about London. He definitely got me hyped up. Though when we finally began to descend it all felt so surreal. I mean I'm in LONDON!!!!
So we land and everything goes so smoothly. Never been through customs before and sure it was a long line but it went by fast. And at least I didn't have to wait for my luggage because of it. And then I went to an ATM and got pounds!!!! I felt all British and accomplished. Which is slightly odd considering that an ATM isn't exactly foreign.. but the money is just so cool!!!
That's when I went down to the Train station area and hopped on a train to London Victoria where I would be able to hop on the Underground (the tube). The train was a pleasant ride, I took pictures of nothing... but because I'm in London that nothing is totally something. And then we got to our destination. Which was SOOOO busy. And when you're carrying a 55lb bag and a 30lb bag with a backpack, pillow, and parka... well its not exactly easy to maneuver. But I got through it and for the first time used my British money to buy my Tube ticket. Now up until this point I think I was pretty blissfully ignorant...
Because when the tube is called the underground.. it means Underground.. and because its like super duper old.. it doesnt have elevators.. so remember all that luggage I have?? yeah.. I got to carry them down about three flights of stairs..
And that's when I realized how nice Londoners are (well some at least... i can't exactly generalize quite yet.. but I digress). This middle aged couple offered to help me. But then I had to handle the baggage all alone the next flight of stairs and that was fun.. to say the least.. mainly because I was freaking out making sure I was going down the right flight of stairs.. and then figuring out which line I was supposed to take. Needless to say I got on the right one and took it all the way to Earl's Court.
Now if I thought taking my luggage down the stairs was difficult.. lets just imagine taking it back up the stairs... Literally took me about 5 min. But finally this lady came by and offered her help.. again.. Nice Londoner. So then I was off walking down the street towards my final destination.
I had to make several stops to make sure I was going the right way, because the directions sound like its maybe a three block walk... no no.. it was more like a mile.
Mind you, I checked the weather for today and it was supposed to be like 71 degrees.. but what those internet weather sites dont tell you is that because of the humidity.. it actually feels like its about 89 degrees.
So I finally got to Lee Abbey.. sweating more than I have in a very long time (gross I know) and now I am waiting until 4pm until I can check in. I keep seeing people from PLNU walk through the lobby but because I dont really know them I smile awkwardly and go back to typing this blog. I think it's mainly because I don't want to move because I'm still really hot. No air conditioning. Which is fine.. when I'm not all gross like.
So that was my account of my arrival here in London. Bombdiggity right?
Now it wasn't a packed flight, thankfully, and I was able to stretch out and sleep for about 4 hours. All in all it didn't seem like a ten hour flight. Which I was grateful for. And the food on the plane? Yeah.. totally yum. Virgin Atlantic is the way to go.
I also sat by this man, named Alex. He helped me with my baggage at the very beginning of the flight but we didn't talk until about the last 30 min. Which all started by him complimenting my Teddy Bear. He even asked his name! The teddy bears name that is, which is Shakesbear just so you know. And then we started chatting and it was nice to hear what someone from London says about London. He definitely got me hyped up. Though when we finally began to descend it all felt so surreal. I mean I'm in LONDON!!!!
So we land and everything goes so smoothly. Never been through customs before and sure it was a long line but it went by fast. And at least I didn't have to wait for my luggage because of it. And then I went to an ATM and got pounds!!!! I felt all British and accomplished. Which is slightly odd considering that an ATM isn't exactly foreign.. but the money is just so cool!!!
That's when I went down to the Train station area and hopped on a train to London Victoria where I would be able to hop on the Underground (the tube). The train was a pleasant ride, I took pictures of nothing... but because I'm in London that nothing is totally something. And then we got to our destination. Which was SOOOO busy. And when you're carrying a 55lb bag and a 30lb bag with a backpack, pillow, and parka... well its not exactly easy to maneuver. But I got through it and for the first time used my British money to buy my Tube ticket. Now up until this point I think I was pretty blissfully ignorant...
Because when the tube is called the underground.. it means Underground.. and because its like super duper old.. it doesnt have elevators.. so remember all that luggage I have?? yeah.. I got to carry them down about three flights of stairs..
And that's when I realized how nice Londoners are (well some at least... i can't exactly generalize quite yet.. but I digress). This middle aged couple offered to help me. But then I had to handle the baggage all alone the next flight of stairs and that was fun.. to say the least.. mainly because I was freaking out making sure I was going down the right flight of stairs.. and then figuring out which line I was supposed to take. Needless to say I got on the right one and took it all the way to Earl's Court.
Now if I thought taking my luggage down the stairs was difficult.. lets just imagine taking it back up the stairs... Literally took me about 5 min. But finally this lady came by and offered her help.. again.. Nice Londoner. So then I was off walking down the street towards my final destination.
I had to make several stops to make sure I was going the right way, because the directions sound like its maybe a three block walk... no no.. it was more like a mile.
Mind you, I checked the weather for today and it was supposed to be like 71 degrees.. but what those internet weather sites dont tell you is that because of the humidity.. it actually feels like its about 89 degrees.
So I finally got to Lee Abbey.. sweating more than I have in a very long time (gross I know) and now I am waiting until 4pm until I can check in. I keep seeing people from PLNU walk through the lobby but because I dont really know them I smile awkwardly and go back to typing this blog. I think it's mainly because I don't want to move because I'm still really hot. No air conditioning. Which is fine.. when I'm not all gross like.
So that was my account of my arrival here in London. Bombdiggity right?
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