Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 28: But I am Le Tired

No song of the day, because I listened to no music at all today. Shocking I know.
And I would just like to point out my absolute dedication to this blog... because I was warmly tucked in my bed when I remembered that I hadn't blogged yet today.. so I got up and here I am. To let you know that my day was actually boring. I went to church, ate lunch, watched Shakespeare in Love (because I had to for class... not because it was a luxury.. that doesnt exist for me atm), I finally posted all of my pictures up on facebook (Go look and comment if you are bored and have nothing else better to do.. or even if you do.. go check them out anyways), and then ate high tea, and finally did homework. And now I am going to bed. So even though this is yet again one of those blogs that is pretty un exciting.. at least I posted something!!! Oh and tomorrow is going to be poop. Just a forewarning. haha. until next time. :D

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