Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 23: 48 hours without sleeeeeeep

So I lied... I said I would get on here and explain all the goings on over the last two days.. but since I still have had zero amount of sleep ... I just can't do it. In fact if I did I would probably begin to talk about something completely incoherent that ultimately has nothing to do with anything at all. I would give you a song of the day, but my ipod is too far away. Oh I got it, how about Keep the Candle Burning by Point of Grace. Its definitely an oldie that came out back when I lived in Texas for crying out loud, but its sooooo great. My roommates and I sung it all together the other night in obnoxiously loud voices. On a side note I would like to give a little shout out to my Mom and Megan Hirst and Cynthia who I know read my blog all the time!!! Glad to keep you entertained.. also my grandparents... I think they may read my ongoing opinions and happenings too. So yay! You all put a smile on my face. Okay, so enough yammering.. I'm getting some shut eye!!! I'm sooooo excited!!!!! But seriously, I'll really update you with everything tomorrow. And maybe even through some pictures in for good measure. So until then... :D

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