Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 8: Relax?

Song of the day: Like A Prayer covered by the Glee Cast. Come on, you surely didn't think I listen to original music? Glee is the best thing since sliced bread. Or just any bread in general. Which is saying a whole lot. In fact while I'm here in London I doubt I'll be able to watch.. BUT I do have Itunes.. and will still buy the music. Which reminds me... there are some internet sites that only work for certain countries. And guess which ones I found out are only American residents. Pandora and Hulu. Yes. When I found out I had a small melt down. I only watch two shows during the year (one of them being Glee.. obviously) and the other is Vampire Diaries. On the bright side I just checked the CW website and that's all good over here. So I'm less sad now. But note to Mom: Please don't delete any Glee episodes off the DVR while I'm away!!! LOVE YOU. :D
Now on to actual relevant things. I visited the Victoria & Albert Museum today. V&A for short. It was HUGE. And there was absolutely so many different things inside. I don't know why it's called Victoria and Albert, it should be called the Museum of everything you can possibly think of. Then again, that's a tad long. I digress. The first exhibit I got to see was fashion throughout the last six-hundred years or so. It was absolutely so cool. And I would not have been able to fit in anything that was on display.. then again neither would any normal size person. it was all negative waist type apparel. But interesting and fun just the same. Then there was this very long hallway of purely naked sculptures. Those sculptors love their genitalia. From there we (I was with roommate Jessica) found an exhibit strictly for Theatre. IT WAS THE BEST EVER!!!! EVERRRRR!!!!!! And no, I'm not biased. It was simply wonderful. We also got to see the history of hundreds of jewelry pieces. Made me want to go out and buy a tiara. A fake one though, because who has that kind of money? Besides the Queen of course.
The building itself that the Museum was in was just as beautiful and grand as the artifacts inside. So again, here's a visual to help you envision it all.
And I almost forgot, someone built this wooden tower. Which may not sound all the extraordinary, but the walls were completely filled with Books. So you walk up this spiral staircase with books surrounding you everywhere. I was in heaven.
We went back to the room where I took a nap. I couldn't help it; I was just so tired. And when I woke up I was off to another play!!! This one entitled Enron. Yes like the business corporation that blew up... or sunk.. or failed miserably, however you'd prefer to say it. It wasn't bad. Very creative set and awesome acting. And even though I didn't love it... I now understand the overall history of the whole Enron disaster. Stock Market talk is completely alien, so I was very proud that I understood what happened by the end of it all.
Tomorrow I am going to a BBC studio and sitting in on a taping of the game show Pointless! I am really excited about this... because I am a very large fan of game shows. It's a British game show so who knows what it's about, but I don't care. Yay game shows!!! Until next time!! :D

1 comment:

MOM said...

I will not erase any Glee :) Since Daniel will be gone, we will have alot of time on the DVR upstairs! Love you, MOM