As much as I want to jump in my bed right now and go to sleep, I think I said I would explain what happened yesterday... today.. so.. here I go. Hold onto your hats, or if you dont have a hat any other accessory will work.
Yesterday: Canterbury Day!!!! Yee Haw. I don't know why I yee hawed... it's not anywhere near country-like. We did take the train to get there though. It was a lovely train ride full of homework and productive choices... haha. just kidding.. we played cards. So we arrive in Canterbury and head straight for a little tea house! We had tea together for the first time since being here in London. With scones and cakes and tea sandwiches, also known as teeny weeny sandwiches (Winning London reference hehe). It was absolutely
scrumptious. From there we headed to Christ's Church Cathedral in the heart of the city/town. It was gorgeous, as the picture proves. We went on a little audio tour, and it was interesting to hear all about the history and facts of the cathedral. I absolutely love churches and whenever I'm in a cathedral like this one I just wanted to stand in the middle and sing out loud and proud. Alas I think I would have been kicked out, but it did cross my mind. After that we were given this tour of Canterbury... only.. it was probably one of the worst tours I've ever been on. Not because the guy was full of bad info.. no.. he was full of interesting facts and tid bits, but the problem was that he would kind of just go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Oh and that he would talk about things that Carl had already mentioned in class. For an hour and a half we listened to him talk... and I think around the 45 minute mark at least half of us had stopped paying attention all together. He was nice... just boring. :( and he definitely ate into our free time because we we're supposed to have an hour but we ended up only having maybe 30 min. I forgot to mention that this entire time I've had to go potty. So by the end of the tour I decided I could hold it for 30 more minutes until were on the train. Aimelle, Jill, Jess, and I decide to go find the shops we noticed during our tour really quickly. Long story short we separate, and then find each other right as I decide I can not possibly hold it any longer and go off to find a toilet (they do not call them restrooms here.. I forgot and accidentally asked that and they looked at me like I was literally insane). By the time we were all finished (because in normal fashion all of us girls had to go at the same time) we had maybe 12 minutes to get to the train station, which will be fine because it only takes 10 minutes at a nice walking pace.
We head out of the store and look around only to realize we had absolutely no idea where we were. We probably paced up and down the street for at least a minute trying to decide which direction to go. I ended up asking a guy selling boat tours where the down town area was. Then Jessica, worried that we wont make it, rushes off with Jill hot on her heals. Aimelle and I take a little longer because we take out a map and try to formulate a plan as we're briskly walking. Jill and Jess disappear while we continue to try and figure out where in the heck we are. And I will pause to note two things: 1) walking and trying to read a map at the same time is nearly impossible 2) they do not believe in street signs here in England... no no. if there is a sign at all it is placed in a random section on the side of the corner building.. and never ever in the same place twice. Eventually Aimelle and I make it to the brick wall that surrounds the city and which leads directly to the train station. At this point I think we had about 4 minutes. A few seconds later Jill and Jessica run up from behind us. Yes, I did say they had ran ahead of us before.. but somehow they got lost.. again. Jill stops running and walks at our pace, while Jess continues to run. And in my head I was thinking, there is no way I can run anymore. (Aimelle and I ran a good 200 meters to the walls edge) But every once in awhile the three of us would run for a bit and the slow down to a quick paced walk. In my head the whole time I was thinking: there is no way they told us to meet at 430 meaning that the train was actually leaving at 430. Like they had to have given us some leeway time. And the second thought was, the ticket is open ended so if we do in fact miss it we can just catch the next one, and while we wait we
can go back and take pictures on the cool maze playground. At last we reach the bridge to cross over to the train station. It was probably one minute passed four by this time so we booked it over the bridge (like literally ran) and crashed into the station. It was then that I realized, again, two things: 1) the train is still here. thank God. 2) the train is not on our side. The train is on the other side. How do we get to the other side!?!?! Jump???? And that is when the final call for boarding sounded. Aimelle noticed the stairs first and started heading towards them. There was this larger group of people taking up the entire staircase as they walked up it, and Aimelle literally got to the edge of the stairs and growled 'move' and the people parted like the red sea. After that I don't remember much. I don't think I have ever taken a flight of stairs, both down and up, so quickly. (Later Carl said that he literally walked from one side of the train to the other before we appeared in front of him from the stairs) And then all three of us jumped onto the train where Carl was standing and the doors closed right behind us. Needless to say we all about collapsed in our seats. But hey, we made it.
Later that night we went to Southwark Theatre to watch a production of Fuente Ovejuna by Lope De Vega. It was another Fringe performance, like the Hamlet one I mentioned awhile back. And yet again, it was bloody brilliant. As we entered the theatre there was a live band playing with people dancing (the actors to be more specific). We took our seats and watched awkwardly as people danced in front of us (it was like 50's music.. something that would have been on Grease). The show itself was absolutely epic. They warned us it would be a very audience interactive show. In fact I got to recite a few lines from the script, begging the queen and king to fix our towns problems. The man who gave me the script corrected my accent when I said the word master... so I ended up having to switch it to Maahhhstehr. It was funny and I loved it. The intermission was spent celebrating with the actors about the wedding ceremony that had just taken place. We got air guitars and party hats. And of course all the Americans started dancing and just having a high ole good time. The second act was much more heated. And so youre not completely confused, pretty much the premise of the plot was this evil overlord kept taking advantage of the village he was supposed to be protecting and taking care of. He pretty much raped all of the women, and let his men do the same. So with a passionate monologue the main actress gave this riveting speech to the audience and her fellow actors to gather up in arms and give justice to this evil man (who had disrupted the wedding, arrested her new found husband-condemning him to death, and raped her). and then they led us all into the back room where the evil overlord had her husband by the neck, but we were all handed water balloons and when the signal was given we launched them at him with no mercy. It was so moving. Even though this was just a play, they were just actors, we were just an audience, and we only had water balloons... I felt a metaphoric justice had been served. And then after the performance had ended the band came back on and we literally danced until the band stopped playing. It was at least an hour. We started a conga line, and a soul train line, and just boogied down. It was the best day I have had so far.
And finally I can talk about today. Which was not as epic as yesterday, however... it did have it's HUGE good parts. Including, going to a toy store that sold Harry Potter memorabilia. And in case you didn't already
think I was a nerd, this will prove it to you. I think I squealed when I saw all the wands on display. And the firebolt, and timeturner, and the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Aimelle bought Hermione's wand for her sister-in-law, and let us play with it randomly when we got back to Lee Abbey. We started throwing spells at random objects. It was funny because I'd forget what a certain spell did, like Impedimenta for instance, and point it at Jill and say it. Only to be told.. I had just blown her up. figuratively of course. It was so much fun. And to prove it.. more photos!!!! My goal is to eventually upload all of my pictures up on Facebook... but between keeping up with this blog, my journal, and homework I haven't been able to find the time just yet. But I will. So I hope you enjoyed this extremely long blog! Until Next time. :D
1 comment:
This is amazing!! First off: BEST SONG. And of course the only way to sing Quitter is with AN AIR GUITAR.
You are such a good storyteller. My muscles were seriously clenched during the train story...I had to read the end to know there was a happy ending and THEN I read it. Oh man, those crazy stories are the best and you'll have SO MANY MORE CLOSE CALLS.
Keep 'em coming, remember that I'm living vicariously through you.
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