Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 22: As the Sun rises

I didn't forget to blog... I just never went to bed. In which case.. I don't have time to really blog because I am still working on Homework.. yes the homework I was supposed to get done this weekend. I know I know. So I'll be giving you a full update later today... because the Globe theatre was absolutely amazing and needs a good paragraph or two for me to ramble on about the greatness that is Shakespeare... so no worries.. You'll just have to wait a little longer. Thought it's not like anyone is anticipating my blog updates that much anyway... So until next time.. which will be later on today.. haha. Tata.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Umm... I read your blog EVERY DAY!

I'm living vicariously through you, because I miss London!

-Megan Hirst