I promised some babble about the Globe, so here we go. It was amazing. We saw Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor, which is not one of his more popular plays..
but don't know why.. because after reading it, taking a quiz on it, and finally seeing it... I actually love it alot. Not as much as Much Ado or Midsummer, but it's way good. Anyway, in the globe you can either sit in the chairs in the back covered area... or you can stand in the yard (people who do this are called groundlings), and if you get there early enough you can be one of the people that stand right in front of the stage. Guess who was there early enough!!!!! Sure standing for two hours isn't the most comfortable thing in the world, but it was beyond worth it. We got to put our chins on the edge of the stage and watch in rapt attention. Yes, we took pictures. Then the Globe itself which is an exact replica of the Globe that was built back in the 1700's was amazingly beautiful. The show and the theatre and just everything that night o
nly re-emphasized why I am doing what I'm doing with being a Theatre major. Although nothing is set in stone and ultimately I don't know where in the world I'll get a job, as long as I'm involved in the theatre I think I'll be happy.
Speaking of theatre, there are two other theatre majors on this trip with me. Jill and Aimelle. As much as I wish the rest of them were here with us, alas they are not, but the three of us are making the best out of every
situation.. either that or were venting and gossiping with eachother. haha. So on the way back from the globe the three of us took the route that let us walk over the millennium bridge, the one in harry Potter 5... I already mentioned it in an early blog.. But it was just as amazing as the first time. Then on the tube ride back we had a photo session.. in which we had more fun than normal tubers have I think. And for proof here are the
photos. Hellooooo... pure awesomeness.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for the week!!! and then I have an unimaginable amount of homework!!! yayyyy... not. We do get to see two more plays this week, one being Fuente Ovejuna. We read about it in LIT 202 last year and I'm excited I actually get to it performed, apparently people don't put it on.. so I am excited about that. What I'm not excited about is that because each of these performances are right during our dinner time we miss dinner and instead get these sack lunches that are less than appealing. Don't get me wrong.. they're not pure crap. we get yummy chips, a fruit, and a juice box... but the sandwich which are the essence of any sack lunch are less than appetizing. They put cucumbers on them. ew. There's more I dislike but you don't need me to go on about how to make a horribly awful sandwich.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for the week!!! and then I have an unimaginable amount of homework!!! yayyyy... not. We do get to see two more plays this week, one being Fuente Ovejuna. We read about it in LIT 202 last year and I'm excited I actually get to it performed, apparently people don't put it on.. so I am excited about that. What I'm not excited about is that because each of these performances are right during our dinner time we miss dinner and instead get these sack lunches that are less than appealing. Don't get me wrong.. they're not pure crap. we get yummy chips, a fruit, and a juice box... but the sandwich which are the essence of any sack lunch are less than appetizing. They put cucumbers on them. ew. There's more I dislike but you don't need me to go on about how to make a horribly awful sandwich.
My mom got back from her vacation in Cancun.. technically it was some other sunny place in Mexico but I don't remember the name of so Cancun will do.. and I am thrilled. I'm glad she had fun, because she so deserved it, but I'm happy she is back because I missed talking to her. I miss talking to alot of people in general. So if I haven't heard from you in awhile, I'm talking to you! Well, I have to go... finish homework and then get to bed. Sleep Deprived should have been my middle name... that or number 1 procrastinator. It's a toss up to be sure.
Until next time. :D
1 comment:
CABO sweetie!!!! C A B O! LOL
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