First day of my senior year is officially over in thirty minutes!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! Classes weren't bad. In fact, being the studious person that I am I sat in on a class that I was not signed up for just for fun!! It was a writing class so I was being serious about the fun part, and I wanted to take it for real but I didn't have enough room in my credit line up this semester. So we'll see if he will let me audit the class and be a part of it without giving me a grade. You may be thinking, "but charity? Why do you want to spend all of your time in class?" and my response: they don't let us do anything else. lol. But seriously I'm excited for all my classes... except for maybe intro to theatre, because let's face it.. i should already know everything we're learning when it comes to technical terms and such. But other than that I'm stoked. woot.
Now, again, I don't have much to day because nothing big happened, that I am allowed to talk about here on a public blog. haha. I did my homework!! Or at least most of it. Were having a quiz on Merry Wives of Windsor.. and I think I'm ready! I also read Beowulf.. and it was totally interesting, so I'm excited to discuss that tomorrow. Yay for homework. Pray for me.
Also, my nails are still growing.. I haven't bitten them yet.. but since school has begun I find it increasingly harder to not chomp down on them... It really is a nervous habit. I chew the crap out of my pen caps.. which I know isn't a very polite habit.. but Gum doesn't do anything for me.. and I'd rather not chew my nails anymore. If anyone has any helpful suggestions.. I'm all ears!! :D
Until next time, I shall leave you with this thought:
Until next time, I shall leave you with this thought:
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