Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 12: Polka dotted rainboots

Song of the Day: Welcome Home by Coheed & Cambria. It was actually the theme for the movie 9, which I never even saw. But this song was on all of the trailers and I fell in love with it. The intro is the best part by far, but the rest of the song is pretty awesome too. Go listen to it!!! :D
I woke up today thinking it was going to be pretty boring. I didn't have anything planned and we were going to this small Hamlet show tonight. So I went down to breakfast where I was reminded that I had made plans to go to the Science museum today! Luckily I woke up early today right? So I was off to the science museum with Aimelle, Jill, and Jess. I had fun. It wasn't as fun as I expected it to be... not that it was lame at all, but the last science museum I went to was probably the coolest museum ever in existence (It's in Anaheim CA.. the one with the big black cube right off the 5 as it turns into the 57).. so it had alot to be compared to. But I still had fun and took a few great pictures, none of which you will see today because I am way too tired to upload them and edit them and then load them on here. Way too long of a process... but maybe another day.. youll get a few fun sciencey type pictures at random.
So because I bought those two short sleeved shirts yesterday the weather has now dropped and it is both cold and rainy. Well its actually not that cold, but definitely very rainy. I just find it funny. But anyway, I came back and took a nap. I didn't want to; I tried to get some things accomplished.. but I ended up just falling asleep instead.
After that is when we headed off to this Hamlet. It was located in this tiny theatre above a pub. It was called Hamlet House of Horrors. It was my first experience with Fringe theatre. I dont have words to explain how amazing it was. I'm a huge fan of Hamlet and this was simple fantastic. My favorite show so far by far. I personally think Wally should think of changing Much Ado About Nothing that theyre putting on this fall into a funky fringe concept. It was just so cool. The make-up itself was fantastic. Big bold colors with harsh tones and rigid shapes. I felt like it was sweeney todd meets vampires. Intense I know. There was music in it too. I can't rave enough about it. I'm going to ask Ronda how much the tickets were tomorrow because if they were pretty cheap I may go see it again. But we'll see.
I found out what the Spring Musical is going to be!!!! All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. I had never heard of it before, but it sounds both interesting and slightly exciting. Of course I'm going to start listening to it now and read up on it... because let's face it.. I want to be in it. lol. Im so excited!!!!
Well the rest of the night breezed by. I spent most of it down in the lobby playing card games with some of the crew. We played Baloney, Mafia, and this weirdly named card game that is alot like slap jack. I won none of them. But they were definitely loads of fun. I feel like we should play cards all the time!!! I think I shall make a list of all the cool card games groups can play... because unless we have variety people will get bored.. and we don't want that.
Well I'm off to sleep now.. I have to wake up early for the Parliament tour tomorrow.. yippeee... more politics. At least Ill be able to see big ben. Oh, and I also painted my nails today!!! First time in forever!!! But theyre still so short.. grow nails grow!!! well, until next time. :D

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