Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 29: Can I get an AMP here?? Pronto?

Song of the Day: Dream On covered by Kelly Sweet. Pretty much the most beautiful rendition you'll ever hear of this song. Got in on my ipod. Be jealous.
So I am blogging so early in the day because I know I won't have any time at all tonight.. because guess what?? I feel another all-nighter coming on. But it should be the last one... at least for a very long time.
I took my Intro to Theatre midterm today.. and I only missed one!!! So I got like a 98!!! Wooohoooo. That literally is about all I've done today... besides getting two of my 5 papers finished. Seriously, I have to write so much. Shoot me. Again, lame short tiny blog, but I can't really think about anything but homework at the moment, so I'll give you all the updated goodness tomorrow sometime maybe... depending if I don't pass out from exhaustion. Keep your fingers crossed. I wish they sold mountain dew here... it would make everything so much easier. Until next time. :D

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