Song of the Day: Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) by Mika. It's a pretty catchy song. And totally puts a smile on my face because it's for chunky girls everywhere.. or as the song puts it- big girls. Being chubby isn't exactly ideal in this society, and by this society I am talking about my American one.. I'm not entirely sure how the British feel about girls like me.. but anyway, like the song says... I'm beautiful. Doesn't matter where I am. Then again.. this song didn't see what I looked like when I woke up this morning.. ha. ha.
So tonight we went and saw the Tempest. One of my least favorite Shakespeare plays I've seen. I thought maybe because we were in London it would magically get better.. It didn't. It was long and boring. The set design was the best part. And the acting wasn't bad or anything.. I just don't like the plot. Saying that, I did get kind of emotional at the end when the main character Prospero forgives his horrible brother that tried to kill him. Because it takes some amazing grace and mercy to forgive something like that... and yet God does it any time we ask for it. It's something so amazing that I'll never be able to understand. But I am thankful none-the-less. Beyond thankful really, because like everyone else... I am completely human.. and completely suck sometimes.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for this week. Yee freaking Haw. Not that I'll have a break this weekend.. I'll actually be spending the entire time doing projects and homework. Serves me right for not doing anything over the summer (well doing anything that was directly related to these classes I mean). Oh and just a note, still haven't done that laundry I went on about the other day.. so I still have to do that too. haha. I should just make a list.. that way when something gets done I can at least have the satisfaction of checking it off.
My mom is leaving for a week long vacation today... in fact she left like 10 hours or so ago. Which means I wont talk to her all week. Which is weird. Yesterday I got really emotional over talking to my mom and brother. They didn't know it of course, but for some reason I just really missed them more than usual. I think I miss the hugs the most. First of all my brother gives the best hugs ever... it should be on your bucket list... to get hugged by my brother. And secondly I love using my moms arm as a pillow. I know that may sound odd, but its so soft and I can hold her while I rest. I miss them soo much. I miss my dad too of course but I haven't talked to him in awhile so its easier to not remember why I miss him so much when he's busy. Ultimately my point is I wish I had a teleportation device.. or the magical ability to teleport. It would be the absolute best power... ever.
Anyway, need sleep... because I have class bright and early! So until next time. :D
1 comment:
You are making me cry!!! Now....stop that :) I love you much
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