So before today even started... so yesterday.. I stood outside in the cold and wet rain for 9 hours at the Harry Potter World premier in Leicester Square. Why you may ask would I do something so outrageously insane? Because in the end I got pictures of Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, And Draco bloody Malfoy. I got four of them to even sign my journal!!! They signed my journal!!! And the best one: Tom Felton (aka draco). Seriously.
Here is a picture just to prove I am not fabricating this. And I put it up on facebook too. I couldn't help it. I am just so proud of it all! So yes, that was the first big birthday present for moi. And then I was off to bed (well actually I had to write a poetry essay first.. but I got that donezo.. so yay.. oh and while I was in the library skyping my padre two groups of wonderful girls came in and sang Happy Birthday at the top of their lungs.. it was awesome).
And then I slept in until 1120 am. It was absolutely amazing. Then we all went to the London eye.. which was totally cool and not scary in the slightest. We even got to do this cool 4d experience beforehand that totally reminded me of Disneyland.. so of course that made me happy. And then a group of us went to Starbucks where Hannah bought me a hot chocolate.. and then I was off to get ready for the huge banquet we were going to tonight. I went to Primark on Wednesday and bought a brand new birthday dress especially for the occasion. So we get ready and go there. And it was awesome. Ill put up pictures on facebook tomorrow (well that's the plan anyways.. we all know how horrible i am at updating photos.. I havent even put the one's up from paris yet.. mehh Which btw.. I know I didn't mention but I totally went to Disneyland Paris and it rocked... but that is to be expected). The banquet was in Hatfield house which is where Queen Elizabeth I grew up. They did this whole madrigal singing and acting shindig.. which I was pulled into and forced to play a game.. which I won btw. well the first time.. the second time I lost.. but still got a leather book mark!!! Happy Brithday to me! lol. OMG i completely skipped over one of the best parts of the day. So after we get home from the starbucks run.. (Jill and Aimelle had given me the option earlier to go with them to get my "surprise" but I chose to go home instead and start getting ready because I didn't want to be rushed.. funnily enough we arrived back at the same time haha) So I head up to my room.. all the while Jill is trying to hide a bag from me.. It was quite funny when she realized I was walking right behind her on the way home.. She freaked out.. and ran ahead a good twenty feet. But anyway we get in the room and Aimelle and her make me close my eyes as they get things situated. And the I open them and they hand me a giant bottle of diet coke which has been my staple drink the last month and a can of pringles. Awesome right? But nothing to hide from me ... at least that is what I thought until they pulled out a long box covered in pooh bear wrapping paper.. (yes.. I did say I turned twenty-two earlier.. I'm not refuting that despite my love for all things cute and cuddly.. pooh bear being one of them) I open the present.. and OMG it is Hermione's wand!!!! Well not the real one from the movie set.. but still.. it was one of the cool replicas you find in those in-flight magazines on planes!! They GOT ME ONE!!!! and I love it. Love love. Of course my dad is going to mock me incessantly when he finds out.. but it'll be worth it because i have my very own wand. Muahaha. Which btw Harry Potter?? yeah.. it's going to be epic! but anyway... my birthday has been just one big giant blast of fun.. non stop.. but fun. And I also want to thank all of the people who wished me a happy birthday on facebook.. there were over 50 people!!! I felt so loved. I will try to reply to all of them tomorrow.. That's alot of replies. But I am up for the challenge.. after all I'm twenty-two now.
Well it is late once again.. and I am exhausted.. once again. I feel like there is a pattern I've got going on when I write most of these blogs.. haha. Well I am off. Thank you for a wonderful birthday! Seriously. Until next time. :D